Glasgow Herald from Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland (2024)

THE "GLASGOW SERAIX), MONDAY, AUGTUfex 17, 1891. 8 fc.n.,1. T- Tj.ith. lisrht Hilda, Bilbao, Pelican (s), left Calcnfris. fer jLcjan, Gi'i Aug.

15. Kobert Duncan, left Newcastle, Praacisco, Aug. 15v Erlenbritige (s), Tassa (el, and lift Malta, Aug. 15. Etherlsy, left Qmllabaoof, Ait.

If. ffii 6154 62 61 Delaware ar.d 127 127 Pel, and 135. 135 1K5i Den. aad E.G. Pre: K.T.,Vfc-tGeo.2iiPf.

11 11 tUiaois CfflUal 9254 924 Si ire, aad 111-4 159 20 67 66V, Sl fllichsga. Central ESVi 91 Sana, and 1354 Missouri Pacific 65 68 69V4 68 S8 S.i. Cent, and H.B- S914 9'4 3i S3 2 Erie, Wee. 19V4 ISVi 1954 19 14 Do. Pre! 52 51V- Do.

2d Mort S3 974 K.Y. aadN. Bsjland. iott 34 5H4 7, Ontario, and V7. 1S 1554 154 2 Norfolk aad W.

46'4 46 North American 1554 3354 8 Northern PaciSc SI 2S4 S3' 1 Bo. Pre! 6454 635'- 64 63 S3 Ohio and 17 16 Improvement. 24 23 Paeiac Mail 53 3214 Phil, and 29 23V4 29 ffl .25 Do. 4X Bonds. 7654 7654 Do.

1st 5 50J4 51 Riearaowl Ter 114 "Vi 1H4 S.L.tS.V7.Kew Fours 6614 V4 S. 3C4 li4 Tennessee Coal it Iron 274 Teiasi racifie. 1214 12 1254 3 Union PaciSc SIM 354 37-i4 3S'4 201 Walmsh 1114 lO'a U'i 1054 4 Dn.Prel... West 8hore4X 300 1 00 Western Union SOU W4 S9 10 L-BrisCora. 31V4 31'4 46F4 45'4 46t4 44 Cotton Oil do.

20 2054 Notional toad do 3554 15 AiD.Supir Rton.Com. "65i 7SSJ liALTIXOKK. Baltimore -S Ohio E6V: f64 Bait. Ohio lat 97' -PTTLADELrHrA. rWgh Valley 474 47 renn.ayhenini.., 49T-4 Hoston.

78-; 7SX Mexican Centra! Btfliv. lEirijhts, Price askrf. SBli. The followins are the eiuialcns Rnslisa prices for tl rTew York onotntiws, based on the cable rate of transfers o. London to-day A.Top.tS.Fe35 84 Do.

Bonds. 54 Atlan.SPac 437 50'75 Can. C.N. Jersey.115-36 Cent. 50-32 Che.iO.Cm.

164t 90-70 C.SRr. Paul, fs-oo Tw. 115-62 Chie.tX.W.311'25 C.fcR. 73-24 Da. SX lC-3'72 C.

C.iStL. 63 :5 Kml.130'52 Cel. tlAClr. 133-33 K.Tfn.2dP.'. 1V31 95-07 Lake Shore.114'33 69-SO Mich.

Cent. 91-73 A Tel. 13 87 Miia. 70-91 N.Y. Krie 20M Do.

5344 lo. 2d Mt. 100-72 N.Y.trT.EngSo-lO N.Y. Out. 15-93 N.WestPf.

47-53 N.Arar.Oo. 14'25 K. Pac 25-90 Do. 66-42 Ohio Miss. 13'24 Oregon Jmn.

24'67 I'ac. 33 92 PhatBead. 29'SO Eed.4j;Bds78 49 Do.l5ZBda S1-9S P.ich. 11'69 S.P.M.tM.lM'8! T.Coaltlr.. 29TO Tel.

Pae. Un. 12-46 38-26 1143 Do. YV.Shore4.102-77 W. TJn.

Tel 62 4) WbeelCora. 32 37 Ch. Gas. Tr. 47'66 CoL 2C55 N.Leod....

16-06 A-SnsarCm. S9-34 PRODUCE, OIL, METAi. AND FREIGHT mum. (3TKCIAI, OABLS3RAM3 fEOU OUB OWM NF.W YOTIK, SATOTlBa-V. WHKVT nu stron at th? openins, itfi December 3Ac up nn high cables, particularly from Berlin, and rapidly dvauced, the market i-fcon'inc actiTe and excited on hull" inrtnipulation, "shorts" bei-js scarce, and unfaTtfnrable reatltei- in Kurope.

the close, after a large deal, beinjeicited at 4dC to Foreign trading was done on a larse scale, both huvinc and Eellinc. Sales, bushels. Onlv nine boatioatls weso jjurchased for export. After the official close hysiprss was done on the kerb at Jc. to lie.

further improvement. Prev. tlay. Tn-day. Prey.

day. Cash Srptenober. October. uvmbei-. 115 113'S 113V5 114-)s Oeeember 1147-ii 116s Pebruary 117H May lISvs 109', 111V mJ4 I JTAIXE rose Un.

for September at ths opeainc, with a strong tone, and went hijheraflerwa-rds on" bears "coTerinsr, cnunlrd in sympathy with wheat, the market keepiofi firm tllrmighmit. and at lc. to ljc appreciation. Sales, 1.0P0.00O biislit-ls. Three boat loads were taken for export.

Ater the orticial close, trailing was done on the kerb at a further adrance of sc. to ic. To-dar. I To-day. Cash 0.2). 79 63V, 67V4 Aumst 71 53s 70Vc 63 OATS were steady at 2c. adrance. 'J'tMiay.

Prcv. day. To-day. Prev.Say. September SV.

I 34 33V4 Ff.OUH continues firm, with a generally light demand. New York- To-day. Prev. daj. Surins wheat "Clears sacks 4'4a 4'3o inter wheat "Pateuts" 4 95 4'8o Mianeanolis Patents sacks for export 4'872 "Bakers "sacks for export 4'20 DAILY UnAlx movements rxooiisanosj.

AMERICA. GENERAL AND COMMJSSGLiL. SPECIAL TELEGRAHS.) GREAT SCENE EST THE PR0DTJC3 EXCHANGE. New Yark, August 16. There never was such a scene ia the Fradace Exchauge as was witnessed there yesterday.

In piuco of a few hundred thousand boehels of wheat to which the dealing are nsually confined on Saturdays, do fewer than eleven and a half million bushels were sold ia the round wheat A fearful struggle took place, the brokers beioj madly excited, and. baying at any price and any quantity, no matter what the condition the grain was. The rye market was one of Jlie principal causes of this state of affairs, as it is known there is a shortage of that crop ia Europe. A telegram from Paris announcing Jlut France must take at least 125,080,000 iushela sent up the prices with a rush till in lome cases it was seven cents above the cloaiDg jrices of Friday. THE IMPORTATION OF LABOUR INTO THE STATES.

New York, August 16, Mr J. W. Pierson, manager of the Sir Titus Salt, Sons Co, plnsh factory at Bridgeport, Connecticut, denies that the firm has ever ira-oerted any labourers, and says none of the employed there ever worked for the Salt firm in During the nineteen weeks' strike at the mills in England last winter many idle operatives went to his father, who manages the English company, and asked him how they could reach America. They ware recommended to a man ia Bradford who would loan them roeney for that purpose. They borrowed from him at 15 per cant, interest ou as agreement that a portion should ha returned from their wages weekly until the debt was paid.

Mr Pierson admitted that he had been at Castle Garden as the arrival of certais steamers, but said he was only there to ask incoming labourers if they had situations engages. When answered in the negative, he told them to como to Bridgeport and they wenld find employment. He said he has made no contracts with them, and made no further promises. TERRIBLE DEATH OF A FEMALE AERONAUT. New York, August 16.

Annie Harkess, a young aeronaut, in descend-rjj with a parachute at Cincinnati yesterday, met with a frightful death. The parachute would not open, and the performer felt five hundred feet with an awful crash. (RENTER'S TELEGRAMS.) TOUTED STATES FINANCE STATEMENT BY TREASURY. Washington, August 13. Dr Foster, Secretary to the Treasury, stated today in ths course of an interview thai about 4h per Cants, heeds had bsen ex -tended, and that applications fasd been received ovaring about 2,583.000 more.

What the final Coutcome would be he did not know. THE CHICAGO WORLD'S FAIR. Copsnhagen, August 15. Ceramissioaera for the Chicago Exhibition, who left here yesterday far Berlin, soot with a very flattering reception in Cepeahagen.where they were entertained by the Kin; and by the United States Minister. During their visit to Swedes aad Norway they obtained favourable assurances, bath from official aad private persons, regarding the participation of those countries in tho Exhibition of 1S93.

THE CHARGES AGAINST CANADIAN OFFICIALS. Ottawa, Aogast 15. The inquiry before the Committee of the Senate ir.t the alleged corruption in Quebec continues, Kni last night some further revelations were made 1 which have increased the indignation created in the public ro'tad by ths previous disclosures. The eon-trao'or for the Chalenre Bay Railway deposed that he had pid Mr the political manager of Mr Meroiar, the Quebec Premier, the sum of 115,000 dollars, in order to secure subsidies for the railway. THE ANBJSTEE TRADE.

(SPECIAL CABLEGRAM PROM OTJE OWN COSRESPONPBNT. New Yark, August 15. The market for Scotch pis-iron is more but prices are witheut change. The receipts for the week were 350 tons. Lehigh iron is scarce, being sold ahead.

More strength is expected, with an improved demand for the better grades of both Northers and Southern descriptions. The prospect generally is brighter, and deliveries are quite heavy. Kails are lifelejr. Sales to August 1 amounted to 860,000 gross tons, while the shipments were 5S4.000. Tubes, pipes, merchant steel, and structural iron and steel are ia better request.

A gradual improvement is reported in the iron tries at Fhiladeirjbia aad the West. ST8SS ARB MONEY MARKETS. (SPEaAL CAii.KGBAilS 5TSO OtTB OWN co*kBE3FKIJeST. JJbw York, 15. The Stock Market was fairly active dnrins th ihort ssssioa held to-day, and the total amount to 125,000 shares, about half of which were retributed by Uoien Pacific aad the principal jrranjera.

The geaeral ton of the market was very firm, and the advance was continued coverisg operations and larger outside bnyin dividend-paying stocks. Louisville had a beavy aaarkei, bnt insiders claim that the new stock will coos became distributed. Trading clnetil firm a comtnission, people buying freely. Leading grangers have gained to 1. lieadisg bavs advanced ht and dersey Centra Wabash has risen while MissBri Pacific is 1 aad Union PaciSe 2 hieber.

Vanderbilts are asestly dearer. Big; Fonr" is and Canada Southern is 5 np. Kew York Central is 1 and Lake Shore 1J higher. Michigan, however, is down. Narthera Pacific Preferred is 1J better.

Louisville and Ohio have gained 1J and 13 respectively. Money it nominally unchanged, and there is bo alteration in the foreign markets. Silver Certificates have been neglected, and in tie absence of business the quotation ia nnaltered. The orbciai atneks to-day are e'ven as The Kwok Ilad Kailrtiad Company will open to-niarrow a lie to Denvsr, via Omaha. Tnc tnllowia ar the jRrticulacs of the statement issued t-day by the Associated Backs of IsewYork, with Last woek.

S391.1 30,0.0 SJ.i-91.COJ Ul.052.CCO T-art vear. 7S.Mil.OO0 t3.7M.00C 4C7.310.000 3.64S.C0J lf3.i6o.C0'' 1C1.S77.O0O Leans and discounts 65.3S5.MD Legal IN'et lirpoHits Circulation held. Leal rrserve 435.74. 110.M3.COD 1C1.44.W) Snralns reserve t.4t9.C9J 666,105,090 Bolascos 35.i'r9.00: Tile fo'lh, wing roB famines for the first week are announced Oiiio and aiaiuat -N'orthorn Pic-ilic eys-t-iu, S4S5.000, aainst 163.000; St Louii ami Sut.h-v'tfs:eri. ilissuiui, Kanaa, anrl 'lVxs, Siri.OOl'.

oi 1-5G roails have mcreaRed Hi rnAtis tht evoa inonchs how iicrrave of SolO.000. i'or the first week August bl r.ods Pacific JtSJD.CttJ: Ontai ltlcvease i.t 5781.080. Oi7c6.000. 0, aainac $12,000 Wabash, i'o-da. Pre7, day.

June To- Kame day This This Last day. last year. week, season, season. E43 346 5,506 12.177 5,235 623 71 3,543 44,006 37,514 40 5S2 2,645 31,304 23,405 287 442 1,755 4,493 5,147 122 4 2 479 41,667 116,195 3J S3 123 22,214 54,338 ,42 51 257 11.503 11.012 45 26 259 13,663 13,735 11 51 91 6,553 WEATHER AMB MmSOBOLOaiOAl WIOS, IrOHDeH, SonsUy, August 16. The deBTOSsion which lay off the north of Scotland at the close of last week has travelled away ta Denmark and tho of Sweden, and a temporary impwvemsat in the weatnernas Ksn place aver the greater part sf tha United King dom.

In the course to-day. aowevor, disturbance has begun te approach the soutli ot Ireland, so that tha wind is again backing ear western stations, whOe tha weather is dull and Ta.te.tlei. At 6 P.M. presm bigBest-30-1 inches and upwards-is an cyclone lying aver tie Bay efBisoay. inches aad less-ia a deprassMm lyi5 ever Denmark and the aoath of Sweden, inches and less in the west ef Ireland.

ToBtporature was highest-Si degrees Lisbon, 70- degrees at Biarritz, 67 gogrees at Bochefort 66 degrees in London, and 65 degroei at Hurst Castle. LwesS-5l decrees at Aberdeen, 52 at Sumburgh Road, 54 degress at Starnoway and Shields, ana 36 dcgru at Malia Head and York. Ihe Maiimani reading in London to-day baa Men oa fvlad was light er Moderate in-ferca pnerally fram tha south-east on the west coast of Ireland aad Scotland, from ths eonth or south-west at ear other wasters stations, from tha west tbe sonta- and frm th north or nortn- east in the tra parts of Great Britain. In the south ef Scandinavia the I wind was easterly, white in France it was north-westerly i Weather was fair in et parts tt Great Britain aad France, tat dull atsarsoof the inland stations. Ball and tmeattled in Ireland, With paaiiag showers in the aortb, and steady ram with mrst the ftttutb The amooBt of bright MJistered at Westminster te-day haa beau abort six hours.

Sea wao slight or smooth generally, bat moderate at Aberdeen and Valeooia Island. The depMsaion wnicn is approacamg sm wo" coaate is evidently ot some oonsiaerao its deotb is at present noeaowa. sy probably spread eastwards, and occasion raioy, UBsettkd weather in nearly all districts. TO5A.THTSE FORECASTS FOB MONDAY, Ana. IT.

ISSBBSATS.MP.St.OK PREVIOUS DAT. SCOTUTB W. I easterly or aoaiAic 1 lih' or moderate dull rainy Easterly or south-easterly winds, light or moderate ull raia.y. Easterly or south-easterly mods, i light or moderate; dnU: rsury. Easterly or south-easterly -winds, lieht or moderate: dnll: raioy.

Wind backing to the south-west or i Borrth Jair at At, then dull and ScontAVP Bxajum N.B. Wind baefcine to the south-west or MrCT-lirc Cinmn. south fair at first, then doll and 1 raiay. Wind backing to tha Bouth-west or KuatAKD 8. (Last bo 80tlth air at jjrst, then dell and ajvh Cajurani.) rainy.

Ewsiiiw, if.W. Ajn Southerly or south-westerly winds, Waueal fresh or stronj; dull; rainy. S.W. (AMD Southerly or sonth-westeriy wieos, Walks! fresh or stronj dull; ramy. westerly wiads, strens dull and XrfBLA3nf.

raiuy at first, some improvement I. later. Southerly to south-westerly or westerly winds, strong dnll and IBJtLAKBB at firsts 6omo improvement I later. SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. ABBTVED AT GLASGSW.

August 14. Klydo, 993, Andersen, Bilbao are. County Down, 1427, Brown, Liverpool light, Pyrope, 167, Innes, Whitehaven pie iron. Firth of Perth, 830, Oats, St. Mala ballast.

August 15. Katlikeuny, 244, Flack, Belfast ore. Manmentbshire (s), 723, Gruanah, Bilbao are, Corean (s), 2259, Menziss, Montreal geaeral. Ivanhos (s), 590, Gay, Bilbao are. SAILED FftOM GLASGOW.

August 14. Parkmore, 126, Leillay, Belfast eeal. Peridot, 82, M'GufHe, Wexford pig iron. Cariingford Lough, Newry coal. ARRIVED AT THE TAIL OF THS BANK Augnat 14.

James G. Bain, 597, M'Nutt, from Caibarien fer Glasgow dyewoed. Angnst 15. Conway Castle (), 1678, Warden, fram Louden far Glasgow light. Clarihel.

421. Walsb. fram Pictau, N.8. for Glasgow timber. Magdiraeta, 41S, Petersen, fram Mean, for GlftS' cmtv TfJ.

Oanfa (s), 1970, Shaw, fram Landon for Glasgow iijht. A-nimat 16. City of Liverpool, 1379, CarShy, frem Quebec fer Greenock timber. Embletca (s), 1134, WilliaassoB, far Glasgow- light. June Is), 828, Jannsoa, from Liverpool fer Glasgowlight, Colina (), 1297, Brown, fram Montreal for Glaa- gow general.

Brage (a), SOI, Haasoa, far Glasgow light. SAILED FKOM THE TAIL OF THE BANK. Aarunt 14. State ef California (s), Braor, from Glasgow for New York general. Aneust 15.

Dnke of Pertlaad (s), 972, M'Lean, fram Glatgew for Troan ugat, Alcides (a), 2193, Rallo, frem Glasgew for Meatreal general. Sarmatiaii (), 2485, Johnsteo, from Glasgow far Montreal general. Loch Kasnch, Davidsas, from Glasgow fer Melbourne ganeral. Stefan ie (s), 788, Nagy, frem Glasgow far Trieste gaeeral. Clan Gordon (a), 1343, Morrison, fram Glasgow far Bombay, via Liveroool geaeral.

Clan Mackenzie (), 1939, WilseB, frcn Glasgaw for Calcutta, via Livarpool geaaral. Cartagena (), 1532, Hodge, from Glasgow for Snlina general. Niagara (s), 1973, M'ConocHe, from GIftsgew for Bombay and KaraoW general. E. Saag (aaw steamer), frai Glatgaw far China-general.

Hovaing, 782, Eagelstal, frem Bowling for Quebec ballast. ARDROSSAN. ABfirv-BB. Aug. 14 Jean M'Laoi, Arran, gravel Jeesie Kerr, Millport, Jigat Jeanie, Whitahavan, light Enphemia, Canradale, b'ght, Aug.

15 Geas (a), Belfast, light Grampus (s), Belfast, general Victoria (s), Dnblia, Hght Tunba (s), Belfast, light Jacinth (a), Dregieda, light. Sailed. Aog, 14 Achilles (a), St Mala, coal Seal (a), Belfast, general Cnsabrie, Millport, caal; Happy Be turn, Rothesay, caal C. Hesdarsan, Kiiohattan, caal Mina, Botbasay, caal. IKV1NE.

ABETvm Aug. 15 Ensign (a), Londonderry, light; Snccass, Loughswilly, ballast; Mary Edwards, Carnarvon, slates Salway Quean (e), Meville, light Rostravor (s), Newry, light Lin-tharpe (s), Wh-iteahbay, light. Sailed. Aug. 15 Ensign (a), Dublin, coal SolwftY Qusaa (e), Garsten, saltcake Mayflower, Bangor, coal Elizabeth 'Clare, Large, caal Bostravor (a), Newry, caal Liathorpe (s), White-abbey, caal.

TEOON. Aebited. Ang. 15 Flora Mnrchia and Enby bath fram Arran, light Duke of PerUaed (s), Glasgaw, light Glen iff er (s), Glesarm, limeatosa Celeste (a), Glasgow, light. Sailed.

Aug. 15 Daks of Pertlaad (s), Bilbao, coal GlemSor (s), Gieiiaraa, eoal Martha, Carspbaltonn, caal; Black Head (s), Newfair- water, caal. GRANGEMOUTH. Aeeited. Aug, 15 Alexander Pirrie (a), Middlesbrough, geaeral Bui (a), Middlesbrough, iron itarmonie, imden, paper; trrmele (sj, arrow, iron; Lofaa (s), Amsterdam, light.

Sailed. Aug. 15 Runswick (a), Skinnin grave, light Tay (s), Aberdeen, iron Taiabot (s), Stock-1 halm, caal Marco Tonsbarg, caal Flink, Eedvig, caal Seoafer. Lnbeck, coal Ball (s), Miadlcabreugc. light bam (si.

Alloa. light Alexander Pirrie (a), Hall, gsoaral Dundee (s), Setter dam, general (s), Amsterdam, general Montague (s), Ba'aess, light. BO'NESS. Abutted. 15 Glanisla fs).

Aonilla. esparte Joseobine, Tansbere. nitweod John Gibson, Stirling, light Tna (s), Palkenberg, pit-wood; Perm (s), Esbjerg, light; Montague, Grangemouth, light; Haabet, lialmatraad, pit-wood. Sailed. Aug, 15 GieatOt (e) and Cereaiae (s) both far Fraserburgh, light Eeassaise (s), Hamburg, caal: Nerthaa, Sauthaaaptaa, caal; Sapbir, ChristiaManrJ, coal; Ann Walters, Newcastle, burns ere.

GRANTON. Abbitbd. Ang. 14 Kate, OManlrarg, battles. Sailed.

Aug. 15 Kingicata (a), Hambnrg, coal Kestrel (a), general. LEITH. Abutted. Aug.

14 Elizabeth Miller, Scr abater, wool Rifende, Draman, deals Helen Amy Onaes, Newburgh, oats. Aug. 15 Glenara (s), Belfast, general Earnholm (a), Invarnesa, geue-rai Ediaa (s), Newcastle, general Glasgow (a), Amsterdam, general; Geneva (o), Hull, general; Ulva (), Hamburg, general Careaa (s), Burg-hal, light. Aug. 16-St Clair (a), Aberdeen, general Maseatte fs), Rotterdam, general Dresden (s), Libau, genaral Tkoraa (s), Cepenhagea, general Atma, Peterhaad, general.

Sailed. Aug. 14 Vigilant, iS'awcastle, burnt ere Czar (e), St Petersburg, geseral. Aug. 15 Pylades, Luurvig, coal Jaspar (a), CronetadS, coal Delta (s), Craoatadt, oaal Ossiau (), Opoito, coal Prague (s), Breaorhaveu, general Gleaarm (s), Haitiepasl, general St Sunuiva (s), Bergea, paeatitgera Resolute (a), London, St Magnus (a), Abordeau, general Meteor (a), London, general Weimar (s), Hamburg, jonaral Warsaw (a), Newcastle, general; Goteherg (e), Capeahagen, manura Waterloo (u), Steckten, are; Silvia, Newoaatle, burnt are.

BURNTISLAND. ABEiysu. Aug. 15 Fredericksburg ballast. Sailed.

Aug. 15 Britannia (al Methil. lisht Atalaata (s), Copeahageu, coal. METHIL. AEBTTirD.

Aug. 15 Newhailes (s), Mantrose, balluat Hiarich (s), Rotterdam, ballast Craig-iznds, Calais, ballast; Britannia. Burntialand. Hfht. bAXLEB, Aug.

16 Erik (), Kitl, oaal Whitby Abbey Kiel, caal LVXSART AND WEMYSS. AsarraD. Ang. 13 Iisatte aad Helena bath from Bremerhaven, ballast Da Pre Gestrs, Bo'aen, light Helaxa, Havre, ballast Uarsnin and ligatta btth from Greetteraussk, ballaet Anrtav BnaaRj, bsllastj Bradrtme, jDeMnttaes, ballast Elise Wilbelmine, Granton, light. DUNDEE.

ABEI7JED -Aug. 14-Alderney, Newcastle, -ihZ. Dilten, Noumeklee, 1 Banr; fi. Perth. LiaBcaster, Suecenano, wheat.

Aue. 16 Northumberland (s), BaJmerino, ngbtArdle8 s). Cronstadt, flax and deals Umtou Hrdi, goodi; Kajere, Calcutta, jute; iremena (s), Montreal, oattle. 14-Buda (a). Hambnrg, goods Aug.

15-Bictaed King (s) Port Natal, bunker coal; Perth (s), London, goods Orystal York, goods Priacess Maud (a), Liverpeul, ABKBDHEN. 14 M. Smitb, Sulwa maize: Harraton. ynnderland, coal Mahe Metbil, coal. Aug.

Suaderlana, coai, Warrior, Morrisonhaven, coal. Sailed. Aug. 14 Andrea Papa, StaoWs, ballast: Robert Anderson, BaUintore, ilcaKe; Clunie, Blytb, ligitt; Jsmes Hall, Inwrneas. goods Leitb, goods Quean, Lerwick, goads Duohesa of Fife, Sunderland, light.

LIVERPOOL. ABBTVBD. Ang. 15 Prado (s), Haelva; Sorata, Hamburg Giovanni Anealdo, Buenos Ayres Emblem, Tagal; West Iudian (s), Burrow Catalan (s), MiraBr.hi Barrswinore (s), Baltimore Caledonia, Mexico Briggella (a), Newport News; Cares (sj, Pernanabuco. Sailed.

Aug, 14 Andalnsian (s), Frame Victoria Regioa, Sandkeids Eleonera, Helamg-bore. Acts. 15 Tintora, Cadiz Piosbury (s), Uelawaro jireaKwacer xaoresen, Goethe, Taborg; Nervlooe, Christiaaia; Loch Linnhe, San Francisco. GRAVESEND. Aestted.

Aug. 14 Herman, Charlaston Calinas (s), Hueiva. Aug. 15 Raeendael (s), Dunkirk; Bedes), Montreal; Oct (s), Antwerp Tinto Hill, Rangoon West Riding (s), Danzic Aug. 16 Casapbell, Peasacola Mercedes (si, Boaserah Gothia h), Billow (s), Cron-stadt C.

C. Chapman, Melbourne Chaucer (e), Liverpool; Rasland (s). Finnklippan Ottawa (s), Halifax; Faraday (cable steamer), Borkum Island Ingomar, Pessession Island Zurich (s). Archangel Scottish Admiral, Auckland fctock-holm City (s), Boston; Koruen, Cbristiasia Baafrchef Fasting (s), Swartwik Willie, banta Sailed. Aue.

15 Rosenberg (s). Shields; Yorkshire (b), Rangoon via Liverpool Sjomandea, Drobak; Trens, Stettin; Damara Haluax; Kaleva, Laurvig Misdora, Christiania Malaga (s), Cadiz Straits of Gibraltar (s), Montreal via Cowes lone, Santa Catharina Odm aBii Botnia both from Fraderikstadt Bella and Latty, Hernasand Redstart (s), Hamburg Thyatira, Santos; Victoria, St Petersburg; Navigator (s), Liverpool A via (s), Burntisland Viatka (), and Zaria (a) bach for St Petersburg. Aug. lb Dsicomyn (s), Rancjooa; Cambriiige (ei.Odeesa, c. Franz, Stettin; Wm, Bailay (a), Newcastle; Bisv.ile (s), Savannah Essex (a), St Petersburg Vesta, Drobak Thvra, Fredrikstadt Nerissa (a), Barry; Kasan (s).

Konigsberg Trsag (s), Poragrund w.vr,ofind Melville Islaud, Oin Francisco Gathia (s). Hambnrg Ing a (a), Sedder- harour Nympbe, Norway itallamsurre uer-mudaC; Hordiag, Sydney, C.B. TinVKV. 15-Ornheus. New York for Hull, PR AWLB POINT.

Passed. Aug. 15 Leven (s), from Baesein. FALMOUTH. Akmved.

Ang. 15 Firth of Solwsy, Mel-baurna Diadema, Cancepcien. Sailed, Aug. 15 Vera, Greenock; Adonis, ylTandra. Gloneester Star of Enn, Havre; Westrow, Rotterdam; Solvaag, Ayr; Ariva RUaw Gesina.

Livemool Minister Camphausea, Gloucester Anna, Lynn Europa, Hamburg; Pandur, Goole. T.17.ARD. Passed. Aug. 14 Imsland, Frey Bentos fer Falmouth.

CARDIFF. Akstved. Aug 14 May Joba's, N.F, TfRTSTOL. Abetteb. Auer.

15 Dominion (), Montreal Aftenstjernen, Bay Verte Alirsa itisnmaan Berlin, Wilmington; Six Brothers, evrss; Jeaeia. Dundalk Progress, London Rhain, Croa-stadt Llangarse. Smyrna Searrow, I almouth Juno, Cork Argo, Dublin City of Opetto, Hamburg Ireas, Falmouth. i Sailed. Aug.

15 Elaine, Liverpool; Mercutie, i London, QUEENSTOWN. Srr.i!r Auir. 15 Rtea. Genoa Cnckerraoath, Havre; Mount Stuart, Bones Loch Ken, Newry; Medea, Hamburg Benares, Jjnnuirii. TORY ISLAND.

Passed. Aug. 15-Carpasiau, Prince Edward's Islaad for Glasgow. BUTT OF LEWIS. Passed.

Aug. 15 Rydal Holme (s), Montreal far London; Cremona (a), Montreal for Dnadee and Leitb. ANCHOR LINE MOVEMENTS. Hcsperia (a), left Naplesfor New York, Aug. 15.

Inrh'a fV fram New York at Gibraltar, Aug. lo, from Glasirow. left Pert-Said for Cal cutta, Aug. 15. Victoria (s), left Mazzarella far Licata, Ang.

14. CLAN LINK MOVEMENTS. Clan Macintyre (e), left Natal for Galls, Aug. 14. Clan Mathesea (s), from Calcutta for London, left Malta, Aug.

14. Clan Cameron (s), left Madras far Clan Sinclair (s), from Liverpool for Calcutta, passed Malta, Aug. 15. ALLAN LINE AND STATE LINE MOVEMENTS. Saraatiaa (s), left Glasgow far Quebec and Mon treal, Aug.

Io. State of California (s), left Movilla far New Yetk, Aug. 15. Caspian (s), from Liverpool far Baltimore and Halifax. Aue.

14. Mongolian (s), fram Liverpae! for Montreal, at Quebec, Avis. 14. DONALDSON LINE MOVEMENTS. Alcides (s), left Glasgaw far Montreal, Ang.

15. CITY LINE MOVEMENTS. City ef Cambridge (s), fram London for Glasgew, pasaaii Dover, Aug. 15. City of Edinburgh (s), frem Glasgaw fer Calcutta, at Liverpool, Aug.

15, GULF LINE MOVEMENTS. Gulf ef Liens (s), from Guayaquil for Liverpool, via Peru and Chili, left Ceroael, Aug. 11. Gulf of Guinea (s), from the Clyde and Mersey far Sydney, at Adelaide. Aug.

10. ARRIVALS AT FOREIGN PORTS. Clara (s), from Glasgew at Rosen, Aug. 12, Fatfield (s), from Glasgow at Rauen, Ang. 12.

Emulator, from Glasgow at St John's, N.F., July 24. Daring, from Glasgow at St John's, N.F., July 24. Minerva (s), frem Glasgow at Oitorto, Aug. 10. Sicilian (s), from Troon at Neufahrwasser, Aug.

14. Mimi Fischer, from Ayr at Gothenburg Ausr 11. Jason, M'Girr, from the Tyne at San Francisco, Io. Falls of Inveranaifl (), from Cardiff at Aden, Aug. 15.

Lady Armstrong (), frem Cardiff far Aden at Jfort-Sald, Aug. 14, from Cardiff at Ria de Janeiro, Auff. 15. Angelo, Cardiff for Bangkok Hilaria, New York for shanghai boatrene, Ketterdam far Batavia Itaggio, New York for Shanghai William J. Roteh, Philadelphia fur Hiogo Zebina Gaudey, New York far Arijer Beatrice, New York for Bangkok; Naacy Pendleton, New Yark for Hong Koag G.

W. Wolff, New York for Yokohama William Eranfoot (s), Sunderlaud for Batavia Ardjoaeu, Amsterdam for Batavia and Stalheim (s), Batourn for Batavia all arrived at or passed Naw Anjer, Straits of Sur.da (b? telegram dated Batavia, Aug, 15). Scbarlaohberger (s), Teaaaserim (a), and Velleda (s) -all at Suez, Aug. Io. Hannah Blanchard, from London Largo Bay (s).

irom cicuy ana j.ancarviiie is), iroin all at New York, Aug. 15. Carolina, from Talcahuane Australia, from Algoa Bay aud Baria (s), from Calcutta all at Cux- haven, Aug. 15. Norlands (3), from Bilbao at Philadelphia, Aug.

15. Armenia (a), from Batouca for Yokohama, passed Singapore, Aug. 14. Baumwall (s), frum Antwerp at Quebec, Aug. 15.

Peathesilea, from San Fraaciaco at Dunkirk Aug. 14. Ching Wa (, from Liverpool for Caiaa aad Japan, at Penacg, Aug. 15. Bretwalda (a), from Bonis! at Baltimore, Ang.

13. Basten City (s), from the Tyne atUestoe, Aug. 18. Aglaia (s), from Hamburg and Prometheus (s), from Liverpool both at Hong Koag, Aug. 15.

Daniel s) aud Abyssinia (s) both at Gibraltar, Aug. 15. Roaka, from Quebec at Lisbcn, Aug. 15. TeUman (a), trom Ijiverpool Lammermoer (s), frm Barry and (s), irom Hamburg all at Port-Said, Aug.

15. i Josefa, from Bataein at Breraerhavso, Aug. 15. Rhymney (3), at Malta, Aug. 15.

Bargauy from Hamburg at Syaoty, Aug. 14. vjraigina irom Jtiaagoon at Suez, Aug. 15. Satis Peur, from tit Pierre at Pauillac, Aug, 15.

Gloucester City (), freaa Swansea aud StPaneras (s), from Marseilles both at New York, Aus. 25. Bewwing (s), from iiainbnr--; aud liiide Marie (s), from Aitona both at Philadelphia, Aug. 15. Stella (sj, fmtn Kurrachee at Aden, Aug.

15. Titan (s), from Liverpool ut Singapore, Aug. 15. Gilalaud (s), from Penaacola at Havre, Aug. 15.

Agnes Oswald, from Melbourse and Northgate (s), from New Orleans both in the roads at Havre, Aug. 15. British Merchant, fromLondouttTacoma, Ang. 14. Linda (), from New York nd lielloaa (s), froni Hamburg both at Yokslmixia, Aug.

15. Lady from Cardiff at Bueuos Ayrcs July 30. Cyreae (a), at 15. SAILINGS FROM FOREIGN PORTS. Ousel (s), left Antwerp for Glasgow, Aug, 13.

Esk HDlme left Hamburg for Greenock Ang. 13. Gaditena (s), left Nerfoit for Gseeaock. Aug. o.

Rebecca cleared at Portland (Me.) far Greenock. Aug. 5. Lard Caarlosseat (3), left Port-Said fer Londaa Aug. 14.

Penpal (s), left New Orlaana fer Dunkirk, Aug 13 Beagore Head (s), left Benisaf for Baltimore' Aug. 13, Aoa, Uft Calcutta for Triniiae), Aun. U. nallioBa sl left Gibraltar, An y- -be was te blame if anyone was ta iftmo vu. matter.

(Applause.) Toramg to tha evicted tenants, he should sny at the outset tht th. ther 8100 nsu naoe artisan question of it, and farced him to disease it in public instead of privately Uisewsine tL l. ft, imanst ot their rs nun i tae tenutiui sources in Paris to the who were thu enabled to calculate how long the tenants wenW be able to hold out. Having agn referred to the new hopes which he said Mr Dillon I eat te the evicted tenants, tbe speaker said that it weuld be easier for a camel to pass through the ay i needle than for Mr Gladstone to return any siagie evicted tenant to bis holding wba he get it power. Mr Dillon knew this well, and was shameful of him to coatinue tha helpless straggle at Now Tipperary and en other estates, and condemn men, their wives, and fauli everything for the promise btuniog an additioaa I missile against hita (Mr arnell) the struma.

(ApJUnsa.) Those that dee red A.i. i settle. Mr Dillen said that ths New Tipperary shopkeeper must remain eat of their home etill, that their must bo scattered, and their businesses rand. it1 ju nraachea ny uia so nut when Mr Dillon sot into a liability a few months back in respect of the security wawri Crown for the 1000 that OS wotuu -----his trial, and when the Crown threatened to sei.e his house aud bis furniture in Dublin in obi realise the sscurity, Mr Moo's solicitor oarne to him (Mr Parnell) and asked him sell ant tl IH of the Paris funds io order to spare Mr DiUen honse aad the furniture from seizure. iino laughter and applause.) It was wellk aewntnat ni of tha Plan ot Campaign.

He had cams to tha cariclnsien that rrir mlifc himaalf to eiva advice to evictea tenants hemcrst place himself in the position of an evicted-tenant himself, aad net being able to da that it was not for him to dictate to these hombla men that their duty compelled thera to ea-ice a course which he could not be glad neder any circnmstance3 to tako himself. (Apptaose.) When Mr Dillon started the Plan ef Campaign be (Mr Parnell) was lying oa a sick bed and naaolo to hi. haixs. As aeon as he recovered he deemed it his duty to put a stop 6 that movement, and he- was about to take art0B when Mr Balfanr took proceedings against bota Messrs O'Brien and Dillon, and ha did not think it wenld be chivalrous on his part to attack them 7. mistake jlu.

j.t. wits on his part not to have spoken out about the matter! and lie sent lor airu nrien privaMij, and Mr O'Brien promised him that it would net be extended to mere than ten estates. Mr Dulon relied on the Paris fends fer the evicted tenants, bnt the linbilities which had a prior claioa on these funds, whicli had already come before them, amounted to 20,000, which left still aemetauig like 20,000 at-their disposal. Then thera wero two classss ot evicted lenanw, of whicli he (Mr Parnell) waa responsioie for, namelv, the Isanti evictea tenants, js the time "of the split the National League was paying to tbene tenants 5030 a year, and before he'eonsidered the question of the Plan Campaign tenaut. he wanted to know whether tha seceders were willing that the future of tbe Land League tenants should be first it was his duty to see that the future of thn T.aii(i T.e.ioiiB tflnantn was sesured out of the Paris mosiev before the future ef the Plan of CarrjDaign tenants was attended to.

(Applause.) If the other side should get as good a Beina liule Bill from the GUdstonians as ha wished them he iirn.i!ri rsfirs-(nries nf knowing that the battle was over and won, but he would not join with Mr Dillon or anybody else in admitting that the. battle was won because ons English party succeeded another, or because tbe ona English cosreionist Minister succeeded another. (Loud applause.) ANTI-PAENELLITE MEETING, Lady Day passed over quietly in tbe North ef Ireland, and up to last night no disturbance had beea reported. Tha only important demonstration was an acti-Parneliite Nationalist meeting at Loehgiel, County Antrim, a short distance from Ballvmena. Amoas-t th speakers were Mr Michael M'Cartan, M.P., and Mr John Pinkerton, M.P.

Resolutions were passed statin? that they u-oni-3 never rent content until they had a native Parliament ia College Green that no settlement of the land question will astisty the Ansa people short of total abolition ef landlordism, and transfer of the ownership ef the soil to the tiller of the. la-honrir a-lso to be nut in uossessian of a house and plot which he can call his own. Tho meatiini flxnresnftd unabated confidence ia tha nf t.hfi Trial. Parliamentary Batty, can rlemaesi tha destructive tactics of Mr Parnell and his factious followers, and recognined tho hoaesty and sincerity of Mr Gladstone aad tha Liberal party in their policy of jiiBtico to Ireland, which aloua can secure national rights aud the unity of the people of Great Britain and Ireland in the bonds of friendship. NKW ANTI-PARNELLITE PAPER.

-J In tha Irish Noes, the new anti-Paruollito ersan. the first copy of which wa3 issued on Saturday, therft are two letters welcoming it into existence. Oua from tho Dr Kev. M'Alistre, tha local bishop of ths Raman Cathholic church, aad the other from tba Archbishop of Ephesus, rsctor of tho Irish college ot Keme. Both prelates commended tha abiect for which the paper haa been started.

His Holiness the Pope com-niarl it. nml the Archbishsu of Eohesne adds. I fesl conS-leut that the approbation of the Vicar ef Christ will be a pledge to yea of the divine blessing on your una'ertakiag and of tha hearty ce-operatisn ef tha Catholics of your diocese and ef the entire know so well that the true L'lorv of Ireland is her undying fidelity te ths Catholic faith, which is the true safeguard ef the sanctity and purity of family life and the source of all real happiness, both temporal aad eternal. I remain, with profound respect, my dear Lord, yours mest devotedly in Christ." THE SHOEMAKEES' DISPUTE IN TEE EAST Off SCOTLAND. A crowded meeting of tho loeked-ont shoemakers was held in Arbroath on Saturday Mr Alexander Smith, secretary of the Arbroath branch, in the chair.

The Chaibman said Mr Horebin, president ef the National Union of Boot and Shea Operatives, wished to say a few wards ta the men before he left Arbroath with reference to tha conference which took place oa Friday night between him and the masters. (Applause.) Mr Hobobin stated that at the conference re ferred to lie laid dowa what he considered to be fair and reasonable proposals for the termination of tills long struggle. After explaining tbe proposals and counter proposals laid dowa at tbe conterence, as reported on Saturday, Mr Herobin said tbat to the public it might seem very reasonable that the masters should have the right to pay machinery men accordiag to ability with a visw to the development of their machinery, but they as trades' unionists held and felt very strongly that they had a right ta say what wage a man should have who wrought -tnose machines. It must be understood that tne employers bad the option eE putting only such men to tneaa macnines as tney considered wertn at a-week. The union did net coaapel the employers 6o put any kind of workman te such machinery, whether he had ability or not.

The manufacturer had a right to use enly competent men fer tbat purpose men whom he knew wera worth 27s, (Applause.) These machines were ofteu represented by the makers, or their agents, to be far mora industrious than they really ware, and when the manufacturer discovered that he did ths next best thing he could do in the circ*mstances in his own interest he made he machine pay at tha expense of the workmen. (Applause.) New the union held that the manufacturer should not he allowed to do that, but that the machine should do what it waa able to da and no less, and that the minimum pay for working it should he 27s a-week. That was the point on which the conference on Priday had come to a standstill. He regretted very much tbat one particular hssue should stand in the way of a uniform wagea being, compiled. There were fourteen masters present, aad he did not sea why two sf these shonld stand in the way sf a settlement being made for tha whale district.

Ha made that remark at the conference. He felt convinced that thera waa an earnest desire on the part ef some of tbe masters at the 'conference to meet the men. He did not wish to say a word that would strain the relationship between tha employers and ths men at the present time if the employers would only concese tee one peine ne aaw no earthly reason why thawhole dispute should not be amicably settled but if they would not, ha feared the likelihoed was that tbe dispute would continue for Earns tim to come. (Applanse.) This was a serious matter, and while that (remark misht please seme. danbt many of tbe men ware desirous of seeing a settlement affected, if that could be done in an honourable way.

Ae hoped they would ia tha Bwastiaa remain loyal tu the union. Tha Chairman proposed tha hearty thanks of tba men to Mr Horobin for the services had rendered at the present time, and the proposal was heartily received. The Settlehskt or ieb Dobham Cblliebt Dispbts. The men at Murten Colliery, Durban, who have beea on strike nine weeks, have coma to a compromise with their employers, and will new resume work on a satisfactory basis. The pa1? at Loch Keanard Ledge, Aberfeldy, last week, included, besides their Royal Highnasse tha Comte and Cosatesses de Puis, the Dno de Chartres, Psillippe Princesses Isabella and Louisa, Prince Ferdinand, Baroane d'CUarette, Marqniafd'Hareaurt, Marquis cVBeaavoir, and M.

Aobery Vitet. Os Friday Mr John Scott, farmer, Barr, began cutting a fietd of oats below Skelmorlie Castle, en the shore road. The crop is. exceptionally gnad and in splendid condition. This ia tbe earliest date harvesting has taken place hers foe a long time, and is six weeks earlier than last year.

The general corn crap promises ta be a fair average one, but cutting will not become general fer three weeks yet, even should the weather prove faveur-ahle for ripening. Giethon Parish Chough. A.bazaar ta raise fuaiis for a tuwer for Girthon Parish Church was held at Gatehouse en Priday and Saturday, the sura realised oa Priday alone amounting to 350. Tho buzaar waa opened en Priday by the Very Bev. the Dean of Windsor, who suggested that net only a tower should be erected, but that a church saenld be added to tho tower.

Proceeding, the Dean said that Churches were now being attacked, avid the beat Church defeace waa cot platfsria speeches or the writing of books, bnt that each individual church and parish should shew that it was alive and active, and prameting tha kingdom of God aad winning souls for Him. On Saturday Mr Mark S. Stswart, M.P., ia opening tbe bazaar fur the day, warmly supported the proposal te build a new church in place ef the present ia-attractive bcikiine. aad promised that ho would give a decatiae af 100 towards that object pec vided that whbia three years Mi Murray Stewart of Oslly, the enly heritor is the jam, cam a f-eke for ia. THE IRISH RUPTURE, FURTHER BY PABNELL LIr ParselU 5I.P., left Dublin yesterday morn ing by the ten o'clock train for Kells, where he bad arranged to address a public meeting, A crowd had gathered at the station to eee him off, and he was loudly cheered on entering the station.

Addressing the people, Mr Pabheu, said that the extent saw before him went to prove that the more eneatas they had got to fight the stronger was their forces ia Dublin. Whether this fight was a long one or a short one, thay want to be in at the end and en the winning side. (Applause.) At Drogheda a coasiderablcrowd had collected. on the platform, and Me Parnell was sitmdlj cheered on arriving. While tie train was at the Btatieo, to ascended the steps of the bridge, that spans the line, aad speaking in reply to an address, said that there were ww a great numser of grave and important issues before the peple of Ireland.

Many of their enemii.tbreiigaat Ireland ware pointing to the action of Messrs O'Brien and Dittos as justiSoation for thth- astion. Ho (Mr Parnell) never did, nor did he new, impugn the aotives of Messrs Dillon and CBrisn. He believed, however, that they wer and that tiae would show they were. It was net tha first occasion on which Mr Dffien'e judgment hed differed from bis, and on all prswians occasions he (MrPsraoil) had been able to assert his owa judgment against his applause) and the reenlta of the years following had proved that ha (Mr Parnell) was right. Mr Dillon gave reasons for not condemning bios in.

his first manifesto, and certainly they were the mast extraordinary set of reasons that any sensible and thinking man had ever put before the poblic as reasonable. What did be say He said-" I thought that Mr Parnell would retire and ought to retire, and because I thought so I told him that he must not." (Laaghter.) Mr Dillon fnrther said that he considered that Mr Parnell should bare baen allnwed judge the matter for himself. If Mr Dillon thought so taeB why did ho judge it for hiia (Mr Parnell.) (Laaghter and cheers.) He did not ask Mr Dillon for his first, or Ms second, or his third manifesto. (Applanse.) Ho did not ask for the Leinster Hall meeting. The first ha heard of it was when ho read in the newspapers next raoraiug that it had taken place.

What was to be thought of rhese genfciemeu who now stated tb.t judgcaeiit which in these days they expressed was nt their judgment at all. (Applause aad laughter.) These were the guides aud leaders of tha Irish nation. iLaughter.) He (Mr Parnoll) could not charge himself with having induced anybody to position which he did take up prior to the preceed-ings in committee room 15; lie asked for no man's support, and he neYer addressed any of his colleagues privately on the question. With regard to the question nf the evicted tenants, which was alleged as a reassn why the leader should be sacrificed, Ireland is strong enough to support ths evicted tenants without Mr Gladstone's help for anv number of years as lone as the Irish people stood together. Tho men wbo brought suffering en the evicted tenants were tha men who broke up the party to obey the orders of Mr Gladstone.

The cause of the evicted tenants was undoubtedly sacred one, which he could not charge himself with haviog evec neglected. He had investigated the case of every sing-Is one of them ditrine all these long years sinco 1381, and it was net until the presest division in their ranks, which was not brought oa by them, that they had far tha first time been comcelled to stop the grants. (-Mr Dillen pointed to Mr (iladstaae and tha Libe ral party on the one nana, ana rae iubos Paris oa tha ether, as sources hope for the evicted tenants. Both these hopas were illusory. Mr Dillon ought to know that the funds in Paris were not sufficient after all ebligations were discharged to support any one of those Plan of Campaign estates daring the year that must iwtervene batwean now and the time when the Liberal party would come iBto oSca, and he knew well, or he ought to know, that it would not be in the power of Mr Gladstone or MrMorley to put these evicted tenants into tha holdings whan they came into office.

Did Mr Dillon forget that when the Liberal nartv erefc into power in 1S8G, and when complaints reached them ftotu the country that the censtabnlary were being used for ihe purpose of the evictions, he (Mr JfarneilJ ana Mr Dillon went to Mr Moriey about it, and Mr Merley told tbem that after law officers of the Crown he was informed tbat they must give the use of the constabulary for evictious, and told them further that the utmost he could da waa that when application was made to him as Cliief Secretary f-r tho use of the constabulary for evictions he would rsquire a fortnight's notice. (LaugiJtar.) He (Mr Parcel!) isaisted that they might got subscriptions from tha country fer these rict.ed teaants. notwithstanding the conduct of Mr Dillon and tho sscsdere in attempting to use trie bxaits of these vmrmdod solaiers as battering-rams against them (the Prnsllites), Mr Dillon had saia a week ago that he was going to write to him (Mr Parnell) to make a proposal about the evicted tenants but he had not yet received it. He had always loyally stood by his comrades even when Messrs Dillon and O'Brien were starting "Tbe Plan ef Campaign" in opposition to his jodgnsent, and he gave thousands of pounds to support the evicted tenants. He did this because he telt as an Irishman, when these men were being attacked by Mr Balfour aad the Government, that he could not oppose them.

But now that they coold no linger claim the privilege ef being imprisoned, and when Mr Balfour was no longer persecntiBg them, he (Mr Parnell) was determined to apeak and argue the matter ont freely with them, He them to contrast the progress that had been made in Ireland since be had entered public life, with the progress that hadn bee seade from the tirae ef the Union down to 1875, when the cause of the country was under the charge of the Irish clergy. (Applause.) The aeetiag in Kails was a large one, Mr Parnell was Met at the station by a crowd accompanied by bands and banners, and addresses were presented in the waitiBg room on behalf ef various bsdifls. Mr Parnell deferred his reply till the meeting ia the town. Mr Taliey, Chairman of the Town Commissioners, presided. Mr Paeneil, wbo was received with great enthusiasm, said that ha was very glad that Messrs Dillon and O'Brien had given them something to argue upon, for no one could turn aside to Timothy Heary.

(Groans.) The only. thing he regretted asent it was that they did net give their advice te tbe couatry before they went into prison (hear, hear, and laughter) for there was nothing in the world which happened sines to make it more desirable or more necessary, from their own point ef view, to give their advice to-day than it waa sis months ago. They told him (Mr Parnell) that his intontien was to drive Mr Gladstone out ef public life. He had been andar tbe impression that it was Mr Gladstone who wanted to drive him out ef public life. (Hear, hear.) They charged him also with supporting Mr Balfanr.

Mr Parnell supported anything that was good that came from Mr Balfour, and he opposed his evil and cruel deeds, (Applause.) Mr Dillon had ten times as much te say agaiust Mr in 1881 as a reason why they should oppose and throw out the Land Act of 188J, as he had to say to-day against Mr Balfour as a reason why they shonld oppose and throw out tha Land Pure-base Act of 1801. He was a bad counselier en both occasions. Mr Dillon had oaid that he (Mr Parnell) had said that the Land Purchase Bill was a settlement of the Iriali land question. He bad sever said anything kind (applause) and he challenged Mr Dillon to quote any of his speeches in which he had said it, Mr Dillon said be had gone around tho eountry praising the measure of Mr Balfour. He (Mr Parnell) had saved the Land Purchase Act from tbe obstruction ef tbe Irish ssceders, and he saved tha Irish Light Railways Enactments from tie obstruction of.

the English Radicals, and he did his duty in doing so. Mr Dillon had said that the Tories only gave tha Land Act out of political expediency, but if that was tnle of the Tories it was true every other Government. The Land Purchase Act of 1885 and ths Leaseholders' Act of 13S7 aad the Latij Purchaso Bill sf the present year wars all, passed by the Tories ant oi political expediency. No Government, Liberal or Tory, when it would get into office wenld have the same feelings towards Ireland. (Applause.) Mr Dillon said he (Mr Par-noil) mnst be a traitor to support this Land Pnrchaso Bill, because tho Tories aad the landlords were asking for it.

But Mr Dillon should remember that is 1S71 when the meveiseat was commenced in favour of occupying ownership he (Mr Parse)!) said to the people ef Irciand that they would be getting near the solution sf tbe question when thay had tha Irish landlords as anzious to make the tenants occupying owners as the tenants were themBelvos. Keferrisg to Mr Dillon's statements regarding the manifesto from America, Mr Parnell proceeded to say that he opposed Mr Dillon waa advising him to retire because ho theogkt he would not retire. (Langhter and Cheers.) Mr Dillon said that he (Mr Parnell) deliberately oat off all ceinmtuiication between the Liberal leaders and himself after the verdict, and that be withdrew himself into unapproachable solitnda. He did not withdraw himself anywhere. He stopped ia tha same place where Mr Moriey came to see him niao days before the verdict, and what he knew that he could find him in any of that nine days which elapsed between the veriliot aod the roeetiag of the party and the verdict waa not such a thunderclap te the Liberal leaders sa they thought to make out afterwards, because in his (Mr ParHell's) interview with Mr Moriey niiae dara befew the verdict Mr Moriey left from tho interview, kaowing perfectly well tbat the verdict waa gaing againot hiao-lo fact he knew it before he came to that interview at all, and his great anxiety to him (Mr Parnell) was that he should not retire from his position or fram pnblio life bb matter what happened at the trial.

(Loud applause.) These were the poor, innocent Liberal leaders whom ae deceived and kept ia the dark. Mr Gladstone, therefore, had not oaly the nine days after tbe verdict before the meeting of the party, but he had the sine days befere the verdict to make op his mind abont the situation. (Applanse.) And he did makeup his mind, There was no question whatever ia his (Mr PamelTs) judgment that Mr Gladstone made np hie mind that be ought net to retire until be was kicked into taking a different attitude by the Nonconformist consciesce. (LanRhter and groans.) In reference to Mr Dillon's cbargo that he had lad tbe party into a trap, lie shonld paint eat tbat be Hi net kzew at tha meeting when he was re-elected leader, esal Mr Gladstone thouaht that be eaxbc te retire. Mr Jaatia MOanh did.

and cables and free ceverinj; by the Esriet closing Btnns at esa to 4c. aorance. ro-nav. srrev. nay.

107 IM 105 93 May To-dar. Prev. dr. 1C4J4 jjecemner. uo's sy' MAIZE bejan mta September IJo.

higher, and afterwards developed decided strength, owing to holders bemff reserved and buyers eager, and the tone at the finish was firm at lc to improvement. To-dsiy. To-day. Year 43r4 May 46 Prev.

day. 47 45 Augnst 62V2 September 62 59 56 OATS advanced 3c. and finished steady. To-day. Prov.

day. I To-day. Pi jr. day. September 29 2S'4 October LAUD opened 2J points op for spot, and on oie taelina-tioo to buy than sell values moved further upwards, the market keeping firm throughout till the close, which, was quiet at 74 to 124 points To-ray.

Prev. day. I To-day. Prev. day.

September. 6-ffiy, 6 60 I 715 IW 677Vi 610 I MBS tapnevod after the opening, and kept flna all day. in sympathy with affied pcadncts, the close beimj (juiet aad 0 to 121 points dearer. Te-day. Prev.ehry.

i To-day. PrjVjfer. 670 oTgi September. 6'65 1 7-00 6-So POEK developed derided-strength on 1 covering operatioriB by shorts." and closed steady at 15 to 20 pjuiW advance. To-day.

Prev. day. I Td-. September. 10-10 4 October 1040 10-20 1315 1Z-S0 BACON was firm, but at nominal rates.

light Jwss moved np 5 and heavy ones 10 points. The the eight Western cities, including Chicae. since Maronlst amount to 6,302,000, against 6,806,000 a year ago, TlJn-einnati Prices Corrent gives the number of hogs pacKea as 125,009, against 130.0M last week. Middles. Light Heavy Jtisht Ingud.

Halves. Hl. WMtero. OWw. Sedaylastyear: 5-W 3-60 378 55,088 COTTON JWAHSETS.

srECIAIi OABtESBAMS FIOH ODS WCT coBBESPOHDtarrs.) NEW YOEK, eisaROAT. nh. au. MAniimiAs fine and clear, and the average temperature for the Gulf States stands at S4 degrees and for tho Atlantic at 81 degrees, as compared with S5 degrees and 79 respectively yesterday. Spot cotton is quiet at late quotations.

Augusta is-Cjate but steady, and c. lower. of a fat! of 1 tn 2 vmmts owiae todisan- pointing Liverpool cables, but but later on improved under local manipulations, closing firm, after a dull market, at2t 4 points advance. The receipts at the ports to-day are 2203 bales, and at interior towns 200 bales. Exports to Great Britain and the Continent nil.

MHJUl.l.'Vl.i. Ton. Now Quiet l)uiet Mobile Quiet Easy Charleston Qniet Dull Norfolk Dull Sat. Tatar. Wed- 8 if Memphis Easy St Tlnl! Quiet but steady TO, KXOM ANCiKK.

Sat. Thui-. Wd. JJ.w 4-53V4 4 S3f, 4'Wi 4-354 NewOriean. 4-63 4 3234 4 S25t movuT ATJI1 (U.OSlNi.


Rales. tTich. 772 7-81 7- 95 8- 86 8-17 8-27 So! 8-43 8-58 S-6S 87S Ang. 7 So 8-00 774 7-67 774 7- S7 803 810 8- 20 S-31 8-42 8-51 8-61 871 1.480 779 7 92 8 05 Elo 25. 8-37 8-46 7S4 7 -S3 1,500 4,100 3,860 4,933 21.030 1,833 1,700 580 300 7- 82 795 S-06 817 8- 23 8-3S 847 S-5s S-67 876 5,700 a.ioo ffov.

s-io Dec. 23 -20 Sol 842 8-52 S-62 6. 8'33 S'43 27,8:8 4.008 Mar. April 64 1,400 1,800 May. 875 575 872 2.150 S- 2,800 65.200 rotal 40.200 Tout KEW BLEAKS, SiTOTtnAV.

This spot market is Quiet at the quotations. Futures closed steady at 3 to 5 points advance. cjtjo AT Kftt. TMli. 75i i7.

Low Mid'g. 7s JAs Seed 6'. 6V- Sales 200 12M 1S0C Tufl. 77s 10GQ Men 7 of 3200 nTnu-RST' rnwK.sT and Cl.OHING PltfOKS r.LY DOM 1'ttti FUTUKBS FOP. BtTSTNESS ACTUALLY DONF To-DAT.

pamrtoos Day. High. I.OW. Oios, 7-5i 7'-S Ktpli. Low.

Clo' Sept Set Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar May 7-40 7-S4 7-67 7 77 7-87 7-S5 8-02 810 74! 7-61 Tit Iv 774 Thl 7-93 7-91 E'S3 7 42 7 65 773 7 32 7-48 7-65 73 7'S1 A -91 '8-00 S-09 S-I9 778 705 7- 9b 8- 05 614 8-111 S-24 8-31 15.0CS balei. 829 Sales, 19.9M bales. Sales, SEOKIPTS AND KXl-OKTS FTEOM ASIEB1CAN rraKlU EJJ XUATKT1 KttCXIFXS. This Last wek. week.

Saturday, 1,100 0 1,100 603 2.2M this season. fi.s07.93O 6.89S.658 5,761,709 5,586 SSS 'KjrW LiKEiJ' r.MTAIK. SateJay 7,000 S.M0 total lday 7.0S0 6,009 thiEMasr. 3,303,90" 2,812,008 Kx pom Ccn-vrN est. Saturday Total 1 day this 2.443,eM 2.412,M 2.C24,eM RKPtirXS AT THhSS iNTar.mR.

FOETS. Satm-Jay 103 Total 1 day 2S0 100 APPREHENDED OUTBREAK IN HAYTI. (HECTBS'3 TELEGRAM. 1 Now York, AtsgnsS 15. Tho Herald to-day publishes the following despatch from Pert-an-Pr'mce Af tsr a stormy session the Chamber of Deputies, a veto of censure was passed asainsfc tha Hippolyto Cabinet, whereupon the Miaisters reaijaed.

Great excitement prevails, aad a rebellion ia feared. One Deputy charged the Cabinet with corruption and incapacity. The President is ens-aged in fencingr a new Cabinet." SURRENDER OF A DACOIT (KBUSSS'a TE EG BAM.) lUcgBou, August; 15, The attiotifi dsoait Ea Panza has Burraaered tbe British aiBotals at Kyakac, making a condition that bis life 8 par ad. THE CHILIAN CRUISERS. (beutsb's tslsgbah.) St Vincent, Anjost 15.

Th Chilian cruiser Presidents Errazuriz ar-riTsi here en the 8tb inst, and coaled. The vessel is etill hero, but the officers are Bilent as to her fntnro moremento. It is rumoured she is awaiting tho arrival of additional officers and chief engineer. It is also reported that eae will sat sail until joined by ths Prnidtnta Pinto, also expected to call here GENERAL BOOTH IK SOUTH AFKICA. TELEGKAM.) Kinsissriey, August 15, General Booth arrived here t-day, and mat with a cardial Mcerption.

His progress from tlw railway station to his hots! was of a trinnphal character, tho streets being lined with people, who warmly cheered the General. A great meeting ia further ance of tha objects of the Salvation Army will he held te-aisht under tho auspices of the Diamond Fields Ministers' Association. TIPPOOTIBAND THE SLAVE TRADE. (EE7TBB'a TELEGBA11.) Berlis, Asgost 15. Regarding recent reports that Tippoo Tib had brought a snaber of slaves to the ceast a Zanzibar, tho AUgemeine Zeitumg is authoritatively informed that Tippos Tih arrived at with a caravan at the beginaiDj of Jnly, aad is now residing at Dar-es-Salasm, fie has received from the Imperial District Office at BagaflQovo permission to send about a hnndrod men and wemea beloogicj to his housshold to Zanzibar in caBsideratioQ of a written nadertakiag that they shall be brought hack to the coast, and that none of them shall be sold at Zanzibar.

Th janrsal adds that there is net the slightest leani to doubt tho fulfilment of Tippoo Tib's premise. QUEENSLAND. (retjtek's telegram.) Brisbane, Align" 15. Mr Donaldson, leader of the Opposition is the Legislative Assembly, yesterday moved a veto of want confidence is the Government, which was rejected on a division. In consequence of this, Mr Donaldson has resigned the leadership of the Opposition.

Hek Majesty's storeshin Wya has been set aside far tho use of members ut Parliament en the occasion the review of tha Prench fleet. Destkuctiyb Fire in Walks. At Poo art a last night the public hail, together with some stables, teversl tens of hay, and a number of brakes and wasgenettes, belonging to Mesera Ssloraen, Andrews See, and used is the daily service iatween Cardiff and Poaartli, were teteliy destroyed by by fire. Forty berses were rescned. Mb, M.P., in Glasgow.

A meetiag of Irish Nationalists was held in ths Grand National Mails yesterday afternoon. Mr D. J. Sheahan, National League organiser, ccupied the chair. Resolutions were adopted acknowledging the services of Messrs Dillon aurd O'Brien on behalf of and expressing implicit confidence in tbe Irish Parliamentary party.

Mr Criliy, M.P., wbo afterwards addressed the spoke of the preseot position of affairs, and said that if they were to have a hillside fight, let them hav it honsstiy and bravely, but But a hillside fight uader the mask of constitutionalism, as the Parnellites ugsested. The Aoti-Parnaliites were consistent to the cause of Ireland. Thay were guided by tie dictates of their censtrj's cause, but beyond that they accepted the dictation of no living man. They accepted the hand of fellowship sf the British democracy, and i hey would continue to work ia alliance wits the Liberals, for eo-aporatioa was no dictation. (Applausa) A hserty vets of thanks waa afterwards accorded Mt UrilJy fos fiares, aad the prooetdur! ooaolndei.

Pn. 7 7ia 7 'f 7 7 74 7 1 7vJ 7 ni 1 ''lis 7s 7 vL vA i-A Tli. 4-E34 4-83 4-22S 4-S25i Sama week. 1850. 15S9 LOW 300 200 50S 1,200 1,271 cuo 1 9F10 1.53 600 tiyaarues if), leis i roe cij Aug.

14. Moergats (s), left Wilaidv Aug IS. PASSED FOREIKN SIGNAL STATJ(Xf, Fcsi Yama (s), of Londen, bound tu-t tnji Ushant, Aug. 15. Napiar (s), pasesa Sagras, Aus.

15. Johanuesbewr (s), passed Gibraltar, ig, VESSELS SPOKEN. Isablla Browne (of Glaspow, Rtogaa:" mouth. July 5, 6 17 V7. Lard Resebery (of Liverpool), Calcutta to Dnnr July 5, 6 17 W.

Jnatt. Falls Clyde (ship), steering 11 25 W. Peeblehire (barriue) all well Anj, 3 27 W. a-i Gambia (a, Laadsa), Aug. 12, 42 19 Carnaarthansaira (e), Aug.

33, 45 V. Ventura (British ship), benad Julv'lg in 30 W. Albuera (of Glasgew, steerieg W.S.W. ali 3.. it fr laiil VJUaQKAl Aeiiona, Ayr oyuuey, i.ii, 27 W.

nly 1, 4u Jf, Fawn, Pascagoula to Grangeaeuth miles soutn or riatterae. Balaklava (barque), Liverpool ta Melhanrae'! weil Ang. 3, 13 27 W. rillw rVirUalo tar TAaerinl 15, 11 25 W. Pera (of Dundee), July 22, 14 28 W.

CASUALTIES. An unsigned telegram from MaSma report fti steamar Thomas Allen aground. The Arcara (steamer), which grouaded 11 at high water undamsgad. The steamer Keathnaore, Liverpool for which stranded near Amlwch oa the 9th by floated. Tka Rubeas (steamer) and Romania (Ruaniis Government steamer) collided nsar Danulie, the latter being damaged.

Tha Rahesj ai6 foulej tha wharf, bat the damage was The Prado (steamer), at Liverpool, reports" ti'it on the 13th about ten nv.ies senth-west 0f Seiliy, she passed tha remsina of a raft ti; two masts stands, apparently not long ia the wiu'r and daogerocs to navigation. GENERAL SHIPPING ITEMS. Cosaed Lisa Movemjbsts. The Servia sailed from Quasaetowa fur New York at 1 yestit. day with the mails, 250 saloon, 155 secr.nd cabin and a full cimplesaeDt oi tteercsa passenirers.

Th Umbria arrived at Jiew "York at 3 r5atur. diy. Passage, six davs rive hours 'SO rainattj The Aurauia left New York at il P.M. ou with 8b salaon, 87 second carin, and l-'ii stearaje pisaensers, and 278 bags of mails. The left liwstua at 4 P.M.

on Saturday with Is saloos 44 second cabia, IKS steerags passssers. Castle Lisb Movsa-rs. Messrs lionsld Currie Co. report tha following insveajents sf their steamurs at colonial parts Melrsse, irca Natal on the 23d aad East London ea 24th, arrival at and left Aigoa Bay on 25th, and arrived Natal on 27th July. Courland, rrom Dcla9i Bay" arrived at Natal on 22d July.

Lisceore CaailV frora Manritius, arrived at Natal os JV1V' Castle, from Algoa Bay on 24- zzi f.i London on 25th, arrived at Natal u.l ftita Jnly. Greutully Castle, from the Capa on Sib, arrives, at Algea Bay on 27th July. FOREIGN MAILS. OUTWARD. Thefollowior are the dates on which foresjn mails wOTs, despatched from Glasgow, as as the hour when the Ui at the bead oElice Monday.

Au.cust 17. Ksypt ty Italian packet .30 p.a. Lkoon, EjenesaL Brazil, Monte Vide, and Baenfii AjTea 07 French P. it. Taeidi.y, August IS.

Lisbon, Kio Janeiro, Mccte Vidsi, Buenos -yrcs, Ghi.i, Btf.iv-a, aad Peru, vvi Liverpcsi S.Ji P.M". pw Queenstoa 5..30 p.l Wj Indies and I'acilic, lis. Sor.thainptoa o.30 Mails for Australia Victoria, New Saoth Wales, Queensland, South and West Australia, and Tasmania ail sea reate) are forsvardaa' every Wednesday frora Glasgow at 9.30 r.M., and Thursday, rws Italy, atS.30 Msiis for Uanad-, Priuce Kthvard Island, Xori Scotia, and New Brunswick, via I'aitsd States, are forwarded every Wednesday and Saturday at 5.39 Mails for the United States ars forwaratd eve-j Wednesday aad Saturday at 5.33 P.M.

Letters) for United StaUs, specially addrecei by Inman Liae," can be posted at haad i-ffica us to 5.30 P.x on Wednesday, and spi-ciaiiy addrsstaj by German Liae to C.oO P.M. Wednesday. Maiis for India, via Italy, are forwarded every Thursday at 9.30 P.M. Mails for tho West Coast Africa, via Liverpool, are forwarded every Fry at 9.39 Letters far the Continent aisent to Loudon by every despatch, the latest time of lasting at tb head office being as fellows S.15 a.m.

for ths evening mails from London, and G.30 P.J!. in tha morning mail trem Londun. A mail will he made up for St Kiida on Tuesday (to-morrow) morning. Letters posted hers at office before 9.30 P.H. will be in tirae for despatch by thia mail.

Maiis from tha United States aad Canada, a Etruria, will be seat out far delivery at 7 A.K, day. MAIL AND STEAMSHIP SEWS. fljloyd's Telegrams. 1 Ades, Aug. 15.

Wilson's Ceoge, fram Bomiiy, has arrived, ADEN, Aug. 16. Clan's Clan Grant, Caicufj for London, arrived. Avonuocth Docs, Aug. 16.

Dmiaia' Dominion arrived from Montreal. Bostos, Aug. 15. Cunard's Cephaloaia left today- Beisdisi, Aug. 15.

P. and Bekhara, andria for Venice, arrived. CapeTown, Aug. 15. New Zealand's Euapehu, fram Loadon, arrived and sailed for New Zualaid, Dukba.N', Aug.

15 Clan's Clan Macintyre, 101 Galle, sailed. East Losdos, Aug. 15, Clan's Clan ilacsat arrived. Fisistebbe, Ang. 16.

Royal Mail's Eim, Southampton for River Plate, passed at noon. GiBBALTAB, Aug. 10. P. and Bengal, Gal.

cutta and Marseilles for Loudon, arid City's City of Veaiee, Clyde for Calcutta, pastej. GlBRALTAS, Aug. 14. P. and Shausca, frem Australia, leit ts-iay far Plymouth.

Gp.ave3SD, Aug. 16. Hamburg Americans Gothia, from iinltiieore, arrived. Gbasd Cababt. Aug.

15. British African 1 Matadi, frem the West Coast, passe). Gkavesesi, Auk. 15. Castle Packet Jlethvea Castle, 'i'able Bay for Loadon, passeJ.

Halifai, Aug. 14. Allan's Capia arrived. Kavbe, Ang. 16.

African's Gambia, fronj Bonay, arrived. "'ransa-Jautique's Chmde Rodriguez, from St Thomas, aad La Gascoyne, tram New Yark, arrived. Hong Kong, Aug. 15. P.

and jiitzapora aad len's Gleaarcney arrived yesterday and to-eay respectivelv, Hcsst Castle, Aug, Liovas Ems, frnm New York, passed. Castle, Aug. 16. Ryal Man a raj-J'i frem Brazil, passed for Southampton. Las Pacmas, Akz.

15. Donald Games later-mediate lUBiiar Castle, frra Loodin, arrived yesterday, and uroceetie-i for Cape 'i'nwn. La3 almas, Aug. 14. African's tha West Coast, arrivnt).

Liverpool, Aug. 15. Hamsoa's Pro sailed with mails for Vera Cruz. Liverpool, Aug. lske Winaipefi for Montreal, sailed yeateriiay.

LlVKKPGOL, Wisconsin, lr New York, aud British African's Boma, tor Alms, Livebpool, Aug. 16. National's Italy, from real New York, arrived. Anchor's bispania, Bonjbav. arrivetl.

Allan' Lucjrni-, let! fcrBuca" Ayres. Madbas, Aug. 15. India's Uuaera, London for Calcutta, arrived. Clan's CsmeroEi for London, sailed last aLiit.

Mali.v He-ib, 15. Beaver's Nepigon, wr Montroi-1, pi.ssed. Malin KiiAD, Aujr. 15. Dominion's saro.a, Liveracol fr Montreal, passed.

Malta, Aug. 16. -P. and O's Thanes, lor Uj-cutta, arrived. City's City of Dublin, Irom bas-goan, passed.

MakseiLLES, Aug. Io. ilcssaenes arriveo. aietianiec, mails tram tiawun, ..1 NVwVmwr. Ifwena New York, Aog.

13. Wilson's Galileo Yoke, Aug. Wyoming New Yoek, Aug. Io. hameurg Augusta Viccoria, from S-uthaoutos arrive Cunam'a Aurania left to day Lloyd's Eider, er Southaoaptoi', leit.

iEW Yons, 16. Guiou's Alaska arnvi pEtIJ.UKI.PHIA, "Aug. has lets for tile Clyde. Plymouth, Anv. T.oiifiAM.

itrriveii. eiobarketi uaails, asd from it Naples, Colombo, and Australia. 1 Aug. 15. Messaeriai ManH Saghalien, for Yokohanaa, arrived.

Poki-ai, Aug. Duke Arcyll, Looioa for Brisbane, arrived. Quebec, 15. Lominba's Liverpool fur Montreal, passed Heath en Lighthouse, Ang. 14.

Allan's Moiijoliaa "rta the St Lawronce to-iay. QutBEO, Aug. 16. Dominion's Vancouver Qdekkstown, Aug. i6.

Canard's New York, left. Guion's Wisconsin, t' tw for loric, left. QuEEsawiwu. Aosr. 16.

Guion's Arizeaa, from e.v 1 uric, arrivea. Aug. 16. Americans Briti Priuce, from Philad.iphia, arrived. Southampton.

14. Union's Prataiia 415 for the Cape. Southampton, Aug. 15. -Hamburg American Noruianuia, from rrivfJ, HB0ark-" mails, and proceeded ii.r New York.

SocTHAawos. Aug. Cnrnas Ws" Castle sailed with mails for the adeira. js SooxHAMPTOiT, Aug. 10.

Norddeutshar L.WU Aller left for New York. Southampton. Aug. woyo Ems arrived at 9.25 a.m. ayacie, 504.SSO do.Ian.

SUEZ, Aug. 15. Anchor's Arabia, Clyde to. cntta, arrived at Port-Said the oSBt; SUEZ, Aug. 16.

Anchor's AraOia Yokohama, Aug. 15. -Canadian Pacifies." sress of India, from Vajiaamrar. bu Wheat (hoshels) Keceipts, Atlantic Exports, Maize (bushels) Keceipts, Experts, Atlantic Floor (barrels! Shipments, Western Keceipts, Atlantic. Kxports, IjATvD improved after the and kept fh-Bj all day in sympathy with cereals, the cluse being quiet at 11 to 12 points advance.

Sales, 25C0 tierces. To-day. Prev. day. I To-day.

Prev. day. 77 September 696 'S5 I 'December. COFFEE besan quiet and nnchanccd to 5 points higher, and underwent little alteration after conserjuont upon operators holding off, and the finish was dull but steady and unchanged to 10 points dearer, tiales, 3098 bags, chiefly near positions. To-day.

Bid. Asked. Prev. day. Bid.

Asked. August September October November January February 16-50 10-55 15-30 15-85 14- 70 14-75. 15- 75 13'45 3 5 '55 13-05 13-15 16-45 36-60 1575 1470 1315 13-45 15-00 12-90 12-90 15-60 1475 130 13 65 13-05 13-ca 13-C0 March 12-95 13-05 Fair Uio cargoes I8V2C 3S54. KIO JANEIRO, Fjsedav. COFFEE was qniet at 100 reis adrance.

Eegnlar flrste, 10155 seconds. 9-700. Exchange on London lost to 15Jd. Receipts. 50O9 bags, bringing the season total to a-aiust 519,000 last season taken for Borope, 2000 for the TJnit-ed States.

11X80 bags; stock, tugs. bttos ruled firm and laQ reis dearer good average, 101C9 receipts, 7Mi hajs. Biasing an aggregate of 111,009, ajsinst a year age stock, 56,909 bags. NEW YOB3T. 8ATUEDAT.

CHE353E was firm throughout week, Offing to supplies being only average and tho demand better, valnes at the end heinir ic. better. Fancy State factory, extra line new, 84c. to Sic. Keceipts, boxes; exports, 45,700, against 53,000 and 41,400 respectively last week.

BUTTKK was in meaerate suppry nanny vnn wees, and with a fairly good demand prices reached a higher level, tho market being steady at Wis close. Fancy Elgin creamers', against 18c. to 19c. a week aga. Receipts, 49,000 packages, against the same number last weekt CATTLE had a generally dnll trade throughout, and smaller purchases were taken far shipment, exporters buying only sparingly.

Prices are id cheaper at 5d to 5id. Sheep are eteady and unchanged, being auoted at 2ad ti Sid-Beef is unaltered at- 4.d to 4Jd. The western markets are easier; Chicago w-st-rn rangers, to Kansas City grass rangers, $3'35. Shipments, including; Montreal: Cattle. Sheep.

Beef Qrs. London 2.SS0 2,510 Liverpool 3,640 667 14,500 OlasSoV 2,350 1,600 Aherdeen 515 Bristol 170 Hull 496 TotaL 30,151 3,177 16,500 DRY GOODS. The imports at this sort for the week are appended: CorTespoad-TaU Last ing week week. week. last year.

Entered at the $2,637,163 $2,541,729 J2J2S.913 Thrown on the Market 3.165,359 2,504,059 2.187,32! Tho weather during tho last week has been extremely hot. and in consequence business has been retarded. Cottons bare been rather less inquired for, and the market is auiet, though prices are generally on the basis of last week. The stocks of Southern Eheetings ran heavy and parcels slew of sals; sheets, 6c to 7c. drftk, 6c.

to 72c. There has been less doing for print cloths, and orices tend to easier rates, though not qnotably lower; Fall Eiver, Prints were for the most part in good position, and sold readily. The demand for linens has been fairly good, especially for the finest kinds, household descriptions dragging burlaps, 5c Woollens had a fair ininiiry, mostly confined to spring goods, though there was more doing in heavy weight descriptions. WOOL was inactive, and" buyers showed no anxiety to operate. Price at Boston, 32c.

SUGAR was steady, with a poor demand, and at late rates. Options are without change at lonner vaiuss. To-iiay. Prev. Any.

35Ei catrUusal, 96 3ii KeSDSii, iaoalated Aitfftist September Octo)er jiovember L)Hcemb2r 3-31 to 3-42 333 to 32 3'34toS-40 3-34 to 3-40 3'32to3'36 3'32to3'36 3'28to3-32 3'25to3-32 326to3'30 3'26tc3'30 TALTjOW was dulJ, with only a small buBiness at prevjoua quota mo us. Tewlya 5 Primp City METALS. Copper was dull end unchanged. Tia mled uiet-but staHdy, Flatss Bold tucKlcnieiy at foraier prices.

Irifi iron and steel rails are uncoanged in tons ana price. Prev. das', Copper. September 121X)to 12-16 'J in, spue 20 "03 2'J20 XirHilates, Penlan cohes S'35 Viji-Iron, Ooltatato' 3Jom. Sitebl rails, t.n care at East, mills 30'CO FREIGHTS are weak for Iioer3 owing to tbe Imjc roon on offer.

Out-sidere are dull, with a limited demand. 'Xo-tay. Prev. day. (iniu to i4Ten.K30l, ar-Mini Oroin co Txindsn.

sieani Urai to (iaftSiiOvT. (ii-ain to Bristol. (Iraia to Hull, ateam tlrsiin tu Newcastle, stexm firkin to Lt-isli. ai-im i. rain coast for orders prompt Petroleum no U.K.

or Cciiiuaeut Cotton t-j Lir 2d 3d i-10'A 2'3 3-S2d Norn. 3-32J Last weak. 12-6 126 157 Grata to Aucwerp. Sd Vl.ur to Liverpool 12,6 Mr-usuivitieiit to Liverpool 126 Bacon and lard to LiverpooL HI I 27,6 27.6 was steadv. with a lizht demand.

should no siKicial featuw, but had a rather weak undertone on reports or a nciv well being sferuclr in old territory, and closed iasv at ic. lower OQ the day. Capacity o( lKiaiug, 250,000 barrels; quantity 00 boai-d, 50,000 barrels. 6 75 6 70 5-40 69 Vi n.oos 75,005 104,809 Prev. day.

675 670 5-30 70 Erts. 80,000 101.000 70 per coat. lew YarE I'ruda at Sew York Certificates oloaed Sept. delivery. Pipe lioa root Slunniuts from oil region TV'ILM ETOTON, S-ITUBBAY.

TUEPEhTIKE lost it, tat the closing was firm. Price, 52vC. SOSIS closed firm at So. decline. Price, 1-05.

DTJLTJTH. EiTtHlDAT. WHEAT had an active market, and closed at a of djC. on r.aay.

I To-day. Prev.doy. Ssrtsinbtr 102 fS3i ST LOUIS. Satbbdak. -WHEAT aivaooed rapidly darins traains hours, aad Snishei4Jc.

to 7c. up. ro-day. Prov. day.

I To-dav. Prev. day. September 1C2 1 10c-i 5854 SAX FKANCISCO, SAIPBDiY. WHEAT.

-The market is eaeited, -with buyers oi year at and of at against $1'67 aad Ji'72 respertireiy yesterday. CHICAGO, Saturday. WKEAT vraz 2ic. hieher far Becember at tbe beainsiac aU(U( UUH IHiJU va mill lll.ll (:: "li.n-y 'i'. -i-h; 46 4'i 4'6l 4 S5: 4 95-4 S5VA D'C'C4 C'lwin- Jlilslneaa Prices iiid.

Dunt. Xnvr Yor.s. Rev. lWs oi Hih. Iiw.

Certs (ret oaA. 994 U.S.4S Bonds lWt Ateh. Top.tS.Fe... 34" 31 35 i'M 163 Ijo. Income 55 Atliniic faciiic 4:4 Canadian l.na3ian Pacinc W1 CeDt.

X. Jersey. IH'-s Ocstrai Pacific 2-i: Chri. 4 OSio 16 Ctl.J5url.tgy S54 S7'-4, Ch. St rnl dS'-i i6 123 Do.

112-4 H2 Oh. and U4 lOtft 103 J07 15 Rfc Isld. and 75'i 7654 75 70 J00.5S.

Glasgow Herald from Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland (2024)
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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Views: 6561

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

Address: 5050 Breitenberg Knoll, New Robert, MI 45409

Phone: +2556892639372

Job: Investor Mining Engineer

Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.