1. Land of Mine (2015) — The Movie Database (TMDB)
5 sep 2022 · The film tells the story of German POWs who were ordered to clear landmines in Denmark after the war. These are not your stereotypically evil ...
In the days following the surrender of Germany in May 1945, a group of young German prisoners of war is handed over to the Danish authorities and subsequently sent to the West Coast, where they are ordered to remove the more than two million mines that the Germans had placed in the sand along the coast. With their bare hands, crawling around in the sand, the boys are forced to perform the dangerous work under the leadership of a Danish sergeant.
2. Under Sandet (Film, 2015) - MovieMeter.nl
Under Sandet (2015).
Oorlog / Drama film geregisseerd door Martin Zandvliet. Met Roland Møller, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard en Laura Bro.
3. Land of Mine | Oscars Wiki - Fandom
Land of Mine (Danish: Under Sandet) is a 2015 Danish-German historical drama film directed and written by Martin Zandvliet. It stars Roland Møller, ...
Land of Mine (Danish: Under Sandet) is a 2015 Danish-German historical drama film directed and written by Martin Zandvliet. It stars Roland Møller, Louis Hofmann, Joel Basman, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, Laura Bro and Mads Riisom. It was shown in the Platform section of the 2015 Toronto International Film Festival. It was selected and nominated for the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 89th Academy Awards. The film is inspired by real events. Best Foreign Language Film — Denmark — Martin Zand
4. Land of Mine - Rotten Tomatoes
Set in post-World War II Denmark, the movie tells the story of young German POWs forced to clear landmines along the Danish coast. It's a story seldom told, and ...
A group of German POWs are forced to dig up millions of land mines with their bare hands.
5. Under Sandet - strijdbewijs
In Deense bioscopen zelf ging de film pas op donderdag 3 december 2015 in première, en er werden voor deze première 32.000 kaartjes verkocht! Het publiek was al ...
Omdat ik nog weinig informatie had over de speelfim ‘Under Sandet’, was de eerste optie te gaan ‘Googlen’. Dan staat natuurlijk Wikipedia bijna bovenaan. En dan stink je daar weer in,… Eén van de eerste zinnen in het stukje tekst bevatte deze woorden: ‘...Duitse bezetter (begroef) 1,5 miljoen ton aan landmijnen...’ 1,5 miljoen mijnen klopt, maar men zou uit het stukje tekst kunnen opmaken dat 1 landmijn maar liefst 1 ton woog! Zoals op de vorige pagina aangegeven woog een Tellermine gemiddeld zo'n 7kg, en rond de helft van de 1,5 miljoen mijnen was ook nog eens de veel lichtere Stockminen. Het totaal aan gewicht van 1,5 miljoen mijnen zal de 10.500 ton niet overstegen zijn. Dus, Wikipedia, ik kon er weer weinig mee, te onbetrouwbaar. Het beste was de film eerst maar eens grondig te bestuderen,...
6. Land of Mine (Under sandet) - Cineuropa
release date: DK 3/12/2015, ES 17/02/2017, FR 1/03/2017 ; screenplay: Martin Zandvliet ; cast: Roland Møller, Mikkel Boe Følsgaard, Louis Hofmann, Joel Basman.
Cineuropa - the best of european cinema
7. Under Sandet (Land of Mine) (Bioscoop) recensie - AllesOverFilm
31 mrt 2016 · Under Sandet (Engelse titel: Land of Mine) is een internationale co-productie tussen Denemarken en Duitsland. De film is opgenomen in Denemarken ...
See AlsoLas Animas Court DocketUnder Sandet vertelt een verhaal over de oorlog dat je wellicht nog niet kende
8. Land of Mine | Danish Film Institute - Det Danske Filminstitut
Taking place in May 1945 only a few days after the end of the war, the film tells the story of how a group of German prisoners of war were brought to ...
Taking place in May 1945 only a few days after the end of the war, the film tells the story of how a group of German prisoners of war were brought to Denmark and forced to disarm the two million land mines that had been scattered along the West Coast by the German occupying forces. In charge of the
9. Germany Box Office for Under sandet (2015) - The Numbers
Movie Details ; Video Release: June 6th, 2017 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ; MPAA Rating: R for violence, some grisly images, and language. (Rating ...
Financial analysis of Under sandet (2015) at the Germany Box Office, including earnings and profitability.
10. Land of Mine (Under sandet, Denmark-Germany 2015) - ITP Global Film
4 aug 2017 · The mystery is, why has this film, first seen at London Film Festival in October 2015 and Denmark's Oscar nomination for Best Foreign ...
The mystery is, why has this film, first seen at London Film Festival in October 2015 and Denmark’s Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Language Film, not been released in the UK until now? The…
11. Land of Mine (2015) directed by Martin Zandvliet • Reviews, film + cast
In the days following the surrender of Germany in May 1945, a group of young German prisoners of war is handed over to the Danish authorities and ...
In the days following the surrender of Germany in May 1945, a group of young German prisoners of war is handed over to the Danish authorities and subsequently sent to the West Coast, where they are ordered to remove the more than two million mines that the Germans had placed in the sand along the coast. With their bare hands, crawling around in the sand, the boys are forced to perform the dangerous work under the leadership of a Danish sergeant.
12. Under sandet - inter-film.org
18 sep 2016 · "Under sandet" by Danish director Martin Zandvliet has won the Ecumenical Prize ath the 13th International film Festival Miskolc 2016. Related ...
Land of Mine
13. Under sandet - Bioscoopagenda Nederland
15 jan 2016 · Een groep Duitse krijgsgevangenen krijgt vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog de taak om met blote handen landmijnen aan de Deense stranden op te ...
Een groep Duitse krijgsgevangenen krijgt vlak na de Tweede Wereldoorlog de taak om met blote handen landmijnen aan de Deense stranden op te ruimen. De jonge soldaten komen erachter dat de oorlog voor hen nog lang niet is afgelopen. In totaal moeten er 40.000 landmijnen worden opgeruimd.