The Cumberland News from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)

T. IMI IJMIll l-M A(ll) I II IIMIII l-M AMI). MD, II MM.A., MM WAN) lukri Boulmelis Tops Jersey Riders Baltimore Apprentice Pilots 1 5th Winner Monmouth Park Entries Rc'SllllS Tit I r. I Ci. i.

M-. V. S' 4 H' TRACK NY V- fi -A iT 1 I til f. I latil "i i ill. 4 It ir jn 1.

Kl' lU 1 III 111 1 i .1 h.i I 1 11 .1 i. 1. 11 I 11 I 1 ft in ft. 4 nd up. 127 Zfirifl no Pir.t D-'-it 12Z 119 no IS 4 II ft! Vir in 18 11 llz 107 I I'imH, III.

1 )i. 3 M.ti.t, ii x-n H' 3 Hlf 'i 7 ri I-. vk ri I i til- VV NtrliHiith lit. tK.tit It. ii.t,«ii!l I.

oil Ifl fi. 4 rvi (o oiit I ptp wn.s hrld Hi 3 1.0. ill) f. in r. lit 4 HI) Firemen Parade In Ml.

Savage l' JHii (till of fhr iMinpiitilr ntui 4 on, 4 Uuir (...111. i vv htiNiKi I 1 Mri I iiHut ') Mfi I It vvttotlltoui i.n 4 11,,1. I 1 AM HA'-u 4 'jn MthMPlx Alcitro ft 4. Shinp Maitm 8 40. 6 40.

W. BoUnd 7 90. fteld. Bound 10. 7 10 5'.iir H- M'III 14, Anc V.f» entry.

and up. 6 ru 1 Hif.g Mf nlnu whf'li hr Aillfl lfnH I Mf VoluiititT Fili (Umipiiii.V liiHl a slifft riiniiviil Firp trucks from RloomtnKton, Kcy.HPr. Wc.sterntKjrt. Barton, Lonar t'onliiK, Mldlaiul. Hhnff.

(inilftt. Atrltlrtif, (i 3 20. 2 70, Bowinitn's Addlllon. Hitl- timore Pike. Ridficley.

(He.saptown, Podium I hr 44 Vale. Clary.svlUp and Flintsfone partlciapted. Bands Included the Frostburg 2 SO, 2 ftO. Al- 8 Pi rer 4 noi lu 4 Mrrrt paid It' is-Tis hr Hi- Fi Or -'t 13 irou'-, A-n Ci4i, r.3 u't' ry a Faf'e .1 55,10 6 added, 1 m. rr.

Ted Ijrt AL' K-- 100 A Bit Pf Hf-ro I2o Impu: K'. -1 7 12 4 and -up, 1 1 Pt 1er er 'u 116 C-r-' Ci i f- 111 Y- ni tx 2 4 'r t-'Of in. F.f.» li 3 -i: 4 1 li: Drram i-r -S r' Ct lit Grrrnim rr.t Socfc 114 11 iXE at :04 121 I I Oi noV4Ns Niirht cr-wier. 0 7 40. Biiiid.

Biii tou City Band. "Sml-r Ptn.V''j nre CtMopanv. AmtTlrani 2 wi.e Hnini'tte, F. hrniandrr FaiTHdv Drutu Coi'ps. tieiuy Hart No.

1411. VFW. and Mt. L. Taylor 4 60.

3.60, In.Uv Mist, L. Knapp 4 20. i a Mr ook and C. Sabatini tntrv CorriRailVille werp IH 4 With Madden 5. 3 60.

2 60. Carter Olrl. C. 9.60, 4 80. marcii.

a.S wen tjQ ovrr. Allgairr 3. 6 PiTsepolir- AiiMfalt 18 80. 10 7 80; Jig P. Smlthaick.

6 80. 6 20. Hule, Clingman 8 ne 6 Mel F. Fernandez 3.60, 2 80.

2 20 (ire I) Madden 4 20, 2 Hecond 2 60 7 (iaiUnt Cl 1. Hettinger 6 40, 2 Ground i-'og, Mcl-aughlin 2.60, 2 20. Ijramour. UeNtailo 2.80. 116 8 Firf-t Pfbbie.

F. Fernandez 5 60. 3.20, 114 2 80: Sticker, Mullins 3 20, 2 60; Lus- 112 uiorev, A Carvalho 3 40 116 ilAII.V mil Bl.p Crawler 112 Brunette paid $63. and Scratches A x-5. io; AAC LiMed Selections ITH 8 Fit i 4Kk r' Pti.

F-. 'a' rU: I- MFFOi.R Pep-- F-' M' siete C-' -t K. Ui. 4 Ke- a a N-1 K-'cn. Savage.

Ambulances from Flintxtone and the line of re.scue squad. I The Ludie.s Auxiliary from Bow- i Addition and a float with and hei eiscort.s; the Biirtcm Auxiliary and UiVale Auxiliary units were in the line of march. Mt. Savage Youths Are On Camping Trip MT. number tlie Youth Fellowship of St.

Georges Episcopal Church with their leader. 3 Four po Palumbo 9 40 5, 4 Ravmond Himmelwrighl, are I along Deep Creeg Lake 4 -King Bntnd, Knapp 6. 3 80 includes Carol Miller, rae.ann». 5 Ariel Nvmph, Palumbo 5. 3.

2 40; i Carol Sweeiie. Nancv Cool- Jenklms, Charlotte Robert- 1 6 Sun Cili. F. Kruiz HO, 3 w. 2 Donald Neder.

Robert Ciump. c.c,,„ S. Au.un 3,80. 3.: ic8y. Neder and Paul Werner.

i-Cordon'. J. R- Hill 3 80. 3 20. 2.60: Inez P.

Kratz 5, 3.20, Good Timer. Ardumi 3.60. 8 War Spy. 3. Knayp 3.80.

2.40. 2 20, Vittore. J. inmrr 3. 2 80; Gay Wlldy, Brien 2 HAIi.V IHH BI.F: Uealhermaii and Utiige paid SHi.H».

1 Weathi rmau, Taminaro 4 80. 2-60 2 40. CharaiiH Ulmer 2 80. 2 40, Sugar Bucic, Knapp 3. 2 Birigp, Root 6.

3 2.40; Wapan. F. Kratz 4, 2 40. Valdma Goblm. J.

Tammaro' 3. Compo, 3 Choice, AMde. Running 4 5-Mv Donor-. 7 Brandi Punch. 8 Dance, ProUno Braggadocio.

Boot, I IGI The k-kvonaled F'tl, Cop.i a I a-: De-. Tints A. -Sr. Br-jC-ie Ar'CC Rr-, Br f. G'wwr R-S P.r..-;e-.

Ut Lo.c-. R'rcr'e, Denea Frostburg Briefs Mr. and Mrs William Cutter. Mid- I iothian, announce the birth ot a I son Wednesday in Miners Haspital. H.U- 1 Hying Tartar, J.

Thomp.son 10 80. All meiiibeis of the Sch Eternai Edge. Paddock 5 20 3.60; Phara P. Kozycki H.

of St Lutheran Ctiurcn ait 6.60; Clu.Mana, J. Finnegan 9 40. I attend the SChOOl services A.r I 4 Glory Vagranl Cloud, Boo 2-Doranna, J. Sacco 41 40. 14.40.

i. 20 4 4 a.r 3 latsc tnr c- s.hoo Sun Crown. Stark 31. 15.60. Blue Suiiday mornuig to piaiis lor Son.

Lookout Son. Thunder. F. Pannell 8. aniiual picniC Scheduled for thlS The committee in charge Hagerstown Police Be Ldunihed 75 Slot Machines HAGFHFrOWN It Hi i rii'rjffl (hnu iwo ofT, H.

rnti'H i f--' and tfFu'k mj tiif which 1ml if- into and rakcn C.t'" Hall I A t- or 23 the- ran' I riirectinn of ting i Je. Brown. A few minures before 3.50 aitcrm Ue wrre a'inbh'd Mav Ht-i office in rhe Haii Briefed by the Mayor and I. Commwdoner M. Ellinger.

No one was arrested the evidence would be turned over to States Maran Ingram for I A' Hi I u. 0 M. .1 V.h St-M i T.y kiptovL't foiirrrn the ngram lor The raided were the af5 ur.i-'*r, 16 Democratf ur.c l.he-' hfralried r. jk' bill to reverse conu action la Sen the chief said the purpose of bill the the aim whuh pr.Ksideri' Trjrnan 5 in To the nations ou'p'Jt of kvkU. bvA tne next fev yeara a 3 0 ani.UH) rate now about I 25 OOO.OOC».iXfi^f.

Murray of meaAuret Stuo-nt S'-p-r Grf Shifting MOV.MOl TH 1 -Hying Tartar, ft Son. Lookout Son. Wi-'-p C'utic. MiiUfac. 4 4 tr.r 8 4 a Thunder.

F. Pannell 8 3 3 Divi.Mon, F. Pannell 46 40. Wa: Delegate. Sun 13 5 40; King Chico, A J.

Fernandez 8, i month. 3 80 Bird. B. Civiteiio 4 20 orc-incements con.susts of Mrs. 8 r-ii TJncie Chance Mnrn.

4 Good Copy. Boulmrtl.s 8 80. 3 60. g- Rlouuh BI.T— 4 4 2 80, Rancor. Gilbert 3 80.

3 20, Omaha Peai'l ClOSe, Chalimail. Bail BiOUgn, Jr. 4.40. P4KK 5- Fighting Fan. BoulmetlR 5 40.

3.60, Bt The 3 Sub, H. Llndberg 9 20, 5., My Celeste, O.ucho, Undb.r« 17.80. 7.60. 4 80; 7 Ph.nn, Purzez 4.80. Jeu.m, Jtyi'" I 31.

13,80, 8- App.z 4 4 B. ng Neck, Bu.xton 4 60. 3 10; Lucullus. 10. 8 Bold Dan.

L. 7, 3 60. 3.20; KII.I.S l4-year-old son of Grabrnsifui. HFD No. 5.

Winclie.stcr Road. i.s lure witii a large mountain rattle he killed ye.sterday at the home of hL uncle, Edward Grabenstein, next door to his house. Paul said his ll-vear-old cousin, Earl, saw the under a plum tree the yard and yelled for him. Paul killed the deadly reptile with a pitchfork. Last Saturday.

D. H. Oate.s killed a similar rattier about 100 yards from where this one was slam. The snake shown here has eight rattles and a button, is over six inches in girth and four and a half teet long. Paul, who will enter Allegany High next year, said he plans to keep rattles but will burn the snake.

Eagles. Veterans of Foreign Wai two American Legion Pa-ts. Elks. Ri'dmen. Negro Elk- CIO, of the World and the Club.

Gov. Lane To Request Extradition ANNAPOLIS. July 15 Mtpmiut. Maryland's U7. 'with Vimmia approached another '-he! showdown today when Free State appeared to authorities insisted they sr.ould action on tni- -n -txa.

handle the murder trial a Vir- deputy. TrucRor Charged Witn Gov. Lane of Maryland nt I I ULIVC would request the pgpino Wife Freed David Aeree, 26 rhe special a officer accused of fatally shooting LEEDS. Er.g.. Juiv lb.

-w Earl Lee Nelson. Br.f.-h ireeo a to- Nelson, 50-year-old crab- of a charve of raping ins own ber. died of a bullet wound July 5. Aeree said he had boarded Nel- Ecward Clark. 35.

wns son's to arrest the former Cn. a tr.a. baAcd 'field policeman for crabbme, waters. He nfle went qj uio off accidentally in a scuffle. Deaths fw -an, CoMf-r.

Coi'mcl Charles Town Entries pi E.r-.A -r A F- l-r7- 1 lift Man 3. Fixe Ir. -4. 214 xTNro Scr.ry113 A Der T'-'P I di HiU I. A .7 1 'Z ft A.r.ev r.ft- 1 1 4 Hi r.4 1C B'T-'r.

B. rra Prii. f. Sf-na Trai-'-hut, BI 1 J4M4H Ju'rph Mr F.arf.», Therm.t.e-.- Rare M.nerai, Adamant. Marine 4 Choice Set A.side Pop Botlla, 4 Marai Gua.

Alnaair. 5 M-. Reii-ieil. Tea Maker. Darnaway.

6 Donor. 7 EMsdor. 8 Dance Aiexif, Profano. Five Are Suspended On Drugging Charge NEW YORK. July 15 ard.s of the Jockey Club today suspended two trainers, a stable foreman and two grooms in connection with finding of positive drug at PFC.

I NKKAL i Honor guards were ANorrus Jones the recent Delaware Park meeting. A funeral for Pic and James Jones. Active pallbear- The stewards also deprived Green- lour vears moved their household john.son. 25, Route 1. Homewood cns were C.

R. Britt, Edward Kii- tree Sable of $3.000 purse money lu. furniture yesterday from the Engle Addition, who killed in action roy. Paul Mudse. Homer Bice.

J. awarded in the Leonard Ricnard Go 20 4 166 Maiii street, to 13. 1944. Normandy. W.

Robinette and E. J. Walizer. siake.s at Delaware Park July 2 A ivniaiifif? 5, AimapolLs where Hamilton i.s em- neld at the George Fun- Honorary pallbearers werp M. Set Capot won the race but wa." ployed vs electronic eiisi- ilome.

Rev. Edward Davi.s, William Norwood and Sm. Fied disqualified. liieer at the U. S.

Naval Academy. minister, officiated. May. who e.M*orU*d the body home. william Irvme trainer for I He was formerly employed in busi- Military honors at the grave in Harry Barley was bugler.

a Rothfuss: J. Garth. trarn- Empire City Harold C. Carl. They porter Cemetery near Fckhart were orr FI I SKRVIfF have a daughter, Linda.

He is a in ch.arge of Henry Hart Post No. Lawrence Wiebrecht, Charles Schultz Melvina Filer. Margaret Glodfelty and Emma Price. Mr. and Mrs.

Herman Hamilton. rcMdents of Pio.stburg for the past FIRST i'OST 1 15 PEI) claiming, 2. ft'a f. lit Girl 113 xFMlly Aaara 'Gem Slate 111 Bad 116 Bull 116 a-Rope Tricic Star 108 1 a-I. Bleber entry.

wriicn said the Mary Clarke, "nc longer oouiid to with her of craelty. They iivec apart. Mrs. Clarke cwnplained that Clarke lured tier an out-ol-the- way place March 12 and wa.s mate With her despite her ytrufgies. Clarke aanutted making her.

but -he wiiiing. Martin Quits As Head Of Airplane Company BALTIMORE. JuK 15 Thai stnni pilot. Gienn L. Martii down today as head of hi big company.

Pearson. 43 Caiifor-j .1 4 21 xt C- 4 S'- A er r.z 4 tT.t Ncrcv ft Pete WT S'grt Brx.e e. 7 soeui 7 z. E.aÁ 500. claiming.

3. 6 i. xCrysiAl Boot, 117 xMarine Compo MONMOITH P4RK Maiuca 108 Bolo Mack Joseph i.rlariH 113 Rare I Ga Ktntmere M.f-s. whir! 108 Adamant T- dr. PhaiG.r Pink Slip maidens, fillies 2.

f. ack P' i pf-r Fir 1 Dralt. Operator. a-Bcisy Marm 116 oLour. Bin, Bznb.

cr VTitr.t Round i xRunnir.g Story 111 Pop-Bottle iao Polo, M.cK,. Peg Uncle Bvron Ice Dancer. Sailors Choice 116 Crcrrv Soda, Sure Count. a-Woodvaie Farms entry. b-C Whitney entry, Stable-O.

Phipps entry. veteran of World War II, serving nil. Veteran.s of Foreign Wars. a funeral service for Mrs. Mar- each drew 60 -day suspensions 122 for three years with the navy as a Members of the firing squad were garet Genevieve Correli, 38, Rich- Thirty day suspensions radio technician in the Medlter- Lee Thasher, Leroy Nield, Norris who died Tue.sday in handed James Davenport, Garths ranean area.

Jones. George Spets. Earl Emith. Medical College of Virginia Hospital gj-oom. and James Mathews, groom The advisory board of the Gar- Jaine.s Robinson.

Vernon Crable and Hiere, was held yesterday at the for Irvine. rett-Allegany County Sunday School member.s were Jame.s Jone.s. Fi ank- of a sister. Mrs. Loretta Booth.

lift ruriffitli William Blair atlkl ooiT A E- 117 an A xP-r tsr.2 2C' 2 '5 Cs-nno i ft asd np. a-'v'xu; 7 I' irf Ixe 122 -ft-- III iC -7' J-, 11' 1 ic: 11 'I 1 fOl.h NS 121 Bt Joseph iielardi ilNSV .,7 Gino. jf'' 2- F.rt* Ride. Shifting High. Etcrra.

Brief. W.ilo« Breeze, Pad d'vk 4 -J Amencfcn Head $5,000 added. 3 and up. 6 1. U' 5 -Orfscif Sen Time Roll.

125 My Request 6-Miiv mncr, Chloe Darnaway 109 Eagle Eye 7 Gc 'ien Th ru Hasher. War Delgate. jjlue Border 122 Mar Sagunio. Bt'T 4 $4 000, alloaances. 3.

6 f. AlgaNir 222 Sagittarius Marabout 218 Rau'-e You xGailopmg Gus 117 Cannoble Lee Emulate 213 119 A.ssociation will meet Monday at lin Griffith, William 7:45 p. m. in First ErrglLsh Baptist Stanton Byers Church. Plans for the September meeting of the association will be 111 made lit The Fi-ostburg Church of the 111 Brethren will hold its annual picnic today at the New Colonial Inn.

All I members and friends of the church are requested to meet at the church at 10 a. m. A basket lunch will be 122 served at noon. in -----------------------------117 Royals, Saints Swap LaVale Clubs Have Camp Reports and Curtis-Wright Corporation, succeeded him as presioeni of Marlin Company. Martin went into a new off espeiialiy for the occasion; of the No re' son was given for the changes.

The Evening Sun said it bel.eved to be eovemmeni dissali iaction With manauemeni of nances The firm has been a heav; 205 South Lee Street. Rev. M. A. Kee.secker, pastor of Kingsley Meth odLst Church, officiated and burial July 15 4 was in Porter Cemetery near Eck- treai of the International League, Lou WelaJ.

veteran Pallbearers were Clarence Jack, fielder, and pitcher Nick Andromi- the Rcccmsirucuo Jateph Polk. George Geary. Ray- das to St. Paul of the As- Corporation, mond Anderson. Clarence Stevens sociation todav for Grady Wilson and Arthur Blank.

and illiam Eggert, Wilson, a third bateman, saw service with P.ttsburgh last year xDr 2' a 4 III K. r-. 1 4. 4.W.. U4 P.

V. S. I'S'tr. r. 2f-4 Pr.ft- Lr t.ft 211 S-'-'r.

lift T- r. lift 104 a. ft I rr- i vA'ft S'-- 21! Do B'- lift XS 1 112 Ar a a- 25C L'-cer ICi xs- 1 1 --F cK K--' -K Sport Slants (Continued from Page 9) inches and that clubs doctoi'ed the tnouncL to favor their own staffs. Clu '06 W'ith knuckle and sinker ball artLsis favor low mounds while the f.Y--! ball go for the high The player representatives also were promised that all clubs would install safety cinder in the outfields by the start of next season to protect players pursuing fly balls near the walls or fences. 000 added.

3 and up, 1 3-26 m. Coni.iver 112 Stunts 104 Donor 120 a-Flylng Missel RequeM 106 Loser Weeper Whirhng Fox 107 a-But Not PaleMian 124 Three Ispahan 104 Ranch entry. Hyndman Personals Jij Mrs. Burt Raley underwent an operation recently in Memorial Hospital. Cumberland.

The LaVale Junior and Senior MRS. MARTHA E. WITT Tiie uavaie Mrs. Martha E. Witt, 48.

wife of Eggert won 23 games for Shebovzar. Girls 4-H Clubs held a joint meet- the late E. D. Witt. 426 Race Street, of the Wiscomsm State Leag-e inc Thur.sdav morning at the fire died yesterday in Memorial Hospital 1948.

hall with Marv Esther Pi-her, vice where she had been a patient since of the Junior club, pre- Wedne-sdav. GOOd COndltlOO siding. Negro Jake Bird Pays With Life For Murder A native of Cumberland, was Tt was aniTounced that the club a daughter of the late Stephen and had 15 members attending Camp Mary M. Taylor Knotts. 1 ipital.

Cumberland. members attending Camp Mary M. Taylor Knotts. I Alieganv Hospital Weonesdav after at 12 20 a. Mrs.

Harden has returned, second in Mrs. Witt is survived by her step- nose bleeds at Eastern Standard 107 to Baltimore after visiting Mr. and for the largest number, mother, Lilia Knotts, and two in Trial Magistrates Court, mtiraer of Mrs, Mrs. George Harden. Capt.

Charles Mason. Port Eustis, visited his mother, Mrs. Ruth 7 4 000 since.s, 3 and up, 1 1-16 m. Mason. Appease Not 108 Pibroch J08 pjed Porter, of Fire rhackleton E.scador Li.C 44.

the birth of a in Me- I. claiming. 3 and up, 1 l-16m. 1 countv for the largest Lilia Knotts, and two Camp reports were given by Fran- brothers. Walter A.

Knotts and ces Beit Duiguid. Marlene George Knotts, all of this city. Eileen Mitchell. Lucille A funeral service will be conduct- WALLA WALLA. July Bird paid lor hi-s ndden life on the gaUows of sia? prison today.

The negro transient walked sileni ly up on the platform and 3 20 a. m. for the Mrs, Bertha Kludi was reported in condiuon Taioma. on October 30. Jake stoutly denied he killed Kludt even though he was arresu Magistrate Frank A.

Perdew, 414 Goethe Street, who was admitted to 108 Pibroch 108 117 XX Peg a 11 110 111 Blue Hills in 117 xHigh Bracket 103 113xBrandy Punch 121 112 Hiya-Sailor 106 near her home cam'ing a bbxxiy Biings. and tcinorrow at 2 p. m. at the Stein i 4 Indiana, visited friends here, Fisher pre.sident of the Daniel, vicar of St. Philip's Chapel.

WASHINGTON, hand kr.rVl recently 1 i Wnorted Burial will be in Mt. Herman Ceme- Bituminous coal p-oduction for a recenuy. senior and Eileen Oit reported vear is running 12 4 oer cen behind De.v-e a and Mre. La Von Kennedy an- the fnr a Bp-d ha Mr. 8 $3 500 xxRogue xxAlrxis Profano xMaJor Kay olino x-5; xx-7 IbK.

AAC. 109 Lets Dance 122 115 106 118 Sketch 104 103 Head An Teil 116 104 114 Breeze 114 112 Chagin 116 on the camp and the former told of leaders' camp. Louella Heine- niaiT modeled a suit she had just JSJ Kennedy Is the foi-mer Mae Coleman re- 116 Jean Phillippi. daughter of Mr. and, county Mrs.

E. J. Phillippi. last year's output KLIPSTFIN INFANT John William Klipstein, two- today. and Ruth hand of 44 othi scanty formal a Bird had delayed hu Suffolk rot.

FED 4 Kr.d jp I Though demanding no action. Commissioner Chandler sharply criticized club owners for i Liie "questionable 01 specific Keyser Personals Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rankin and family, of Miami, visited Miss Mildred Hughes. year-old son of John W.

and Kutn I ported on sewing for Dye Klipsten. Cresaptown. died yes- 7R ilTilflP demonstration and Elizabeth Long Memorial Hospital where UuC i lasi years lui a penod, the Bureau of Mmea aatd of hi, appe. were heard by tht United Sta Supreme Court after a dozen lowe 'court areumenU'. (Continued from Page 14) Street, has been transferred from Columbia Street to Wes: Side ft C' c- x-r 4 'C ft Ca 1 chauftiing the of playing ypiley Hospital.

13 field." during the sea.v>n to produce Arthi Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tliomas, Mr and Mrs. Clifton E. spent a week at Camp Onawandak, 416 2 th Mineral Street, announce Tiinkhannock.

Pa. tiie birth of a son Fiiday at Poto- Kenneth Burkett, Allen Barkley Max 38 a Cbt r. 3 xxHexiS -r. 119 1 1 -s r-'z sr-r sr. H.E.r 2 rr.

mri 70 C-tr F. 125 Edre W' A B' 2, Ditf ID' XC- 1C8 more home runs. ig you hear the one about the Jersey City Club of the Internation- 9 al Leasrue carrying a Player Piano? Keeping in tune with the times II" the Little Giants have an 'outfielder, named Piano. We do he 11 V' Barney Welsh, who played tennis way back slill going eat guns for an He the district singles ship in Washington the other day for the 12th time in 15 years. Barney to play five to win.

and Herbert Leydig have returned Mr. raid Mrs. Arthur Tichnell and from a motor trip to Texas, son have returned to their home on McMullen Highway after visiting (irantSVllle Dri6lS itT Ralthnnrp ifiiiay at ivieiiioriai no.spi and Patricia Ftsher lepoite he was admitted Thursday, their warning entries last year and ildred Hugnes. pave the problems and reasons for W. Miss Wendyl daughter of vv.

Starrett, 85. of 8 Rlire Bovman were discussed for the coun- street, died Thursday in Allegany Bolk, Mt. Savage, who is returning iy demonstration days and Miss county Infirmary. He had been in from a leave of absence has been Gloria Bohn explained they will be dl health for six years, held July 19 and 20 at which time native of Fairmont, W. he friends and relatives in Baltimore, Arlington.

and Clarksburg, W. Va The Ladies Guild of St. Refonned Church met in the social a.ssigned to Mt. Savage. Mrs.

Jessie Abbott Smith. Lona- each club will be repre.seitted with the of the late John W. coning, a former teacher, has been 1 dinri of the mi.s.sion book. Tw1- six semor girls attended, light or by Flank W. Mrs.

Mary E. Livengood arrived To VfltP home Wedne.sday after taking a lU UlU room oi the church Wedne.sday. with The regular mimes giving a review the Dawson WSCS to be held at miKmnn hook. Twi the Dawson Church, was held last night. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Wagoner h.ive returned to thPlr home on Me- Canadian cilie.s and New Mullen Hiehway after visiting reia- tive.8 in Clarksburg. accompanied by her niece, Prances Bevans Taylor, Alexandria. and was accompanied home by her granddaughter, Brenda Livcn- Alexandria, who will visit heie W- exhibits and hobbies. The style show Margaret Starrett.

will be held Wednesday afternoon. Survivors include his wife, Mr.s. Bohn also displayed several Margaret Stagp Starrett: three slips ot different types and the sen- daughters. Mrs. Nina Allamong.

ior judged them as to texture, Mrs. Viola E. Bean and Miss Mar- i style, hem. top finish and straps. garet Starrett.

all of this city; live' One visitor, eight junior club girls grandchildren and a great-grandchild. appointed to teach Midland, and Esther M. Bowen, Savage. has been placed at East Side School. Miss Bowen formerly taught in Montgomery County.

Md. Mrs. Ina M. Watson. Frotburg been transferred from Beall Elementary to Fxkhart and Fiancis Special 8-Ycof-Old Scottish Cream SCOTCH WHISKEY 4.79 STRAND LIQUORS 100 So.

liborty SL 53f7 Sr. D- J-' -r G-- ar 4 and up. 6 T'ur. xxB.z a oure. 118 108 125 'U'rt in a-I- in f- rft'f C- 214 S'-.

w. Oft -r. r.r*. C. R.Hre.' 114 2:4 214 4 124 V.rr* H.

er.Tï rr. c.aunftir.f. r.i in Px.r. 2I' Ill 4 and up. ft.

R-ft S.s T'cer in 1C9 211 c.a;T.i Drc'e D'C l.I f. 2 2 1 4 -7 2 Ar rr. 111 124 I A I are 30 of a- Susan and Linda Tichnell, daughters of Mr and Mrs. FYed Tichnell, Oakland are visiting their grand- Welsh, incidentally, played on the! parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Arthur Tich- 1 4 Dincle courts Decoration Day, L. nell, Uaw.son. for several weeks -Red" Van Sant, the local tennis Mrs Lsabella Davis, Keyser, and Robert Kelley and sons re- magnate, tells us vw ton. D. after spending the juiy 19 has been heavy, week with her mother, Mrs.

Agnes: The oody will remain at the Haier X. Carrington. Frostburg. been Funeral Home where a service will tran.sferred to Eckhart from Beall be conducted at 2 p. m.

today. Elementary. (Continued from Page 14 Rev. M. A.

Keesccker. pastor of Mrs. Myra C. Taylor. Frostburg.

The word manager shall be sub- Kinpsley Methodist Church, will has been assigned to the staff at stitutec for secretary. officiate and interment will be in Beali Elementary and Mrs. Theresa bu.siness scheduled at the St. Lutheran Cemetery. B.

Hasibeck, 514 Rose Hill Avenue. annual meptlmt will be the report.s rf'H travelmg 01 a of the 1949- I OK rf.R BI HI teacher position. 50 progi'tm ot the Chamber and the A funeral for Viola; invited Barney to Cum- brrland almost 20 years ago to break the monopoly Pittsburgh held on tennis titles in this section and the Washing- tonian.s ran through all of them in the Mountains Tournament staged at the Cumberland Country lub. Norma Bray, Ridgeville. have been admitted to Potomac Valley Hospital.

Pnrter fiQ North Mechanic i Canton Allegany 4 and that who died Thursday in Me-; Auxiliary of the ICX)F will meet at will a HAiri tnmor- 7:30 tonight at the tempiC. The Duo Club of Presbyter- ian Church will hold a picnic July Vlidland Personals xMrs John Marshall, Washington. Marriage Licenses Brewer. McKeeiport. Pa.

i row at 2 p. m. at the residence. Rev. i Dr.

Hixon T. Bowersox, pastor of St. Bitllnger SaVag6 PerSOHa IS will be in tion Area, instead of tomoirow. ------------------------------------------------------Mrs Jonn iviarsnaii, wa.siiiiii 5 and Mrs. Ev'a B.

nu.sjoiai. D. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. two weeks, returned suffered a heart attack Wednesday Emma Ways, Swissvale, Pa. jSteiding with her aunt. and Tnhnnie McMullen TAYLOR SERVICE Miss Winifred and Mrs. oavid Paul A funeral service for Aaron Tay- Frank Schultie. Cumberland May Younkin Mrs.

Henry lor. former local butcher, who died recent visRors at the home of Lester, pjistej. gr and Frank Shipe. Sunday at his home in Baltimore is visiting w. inducted at the turned to his home at Carlos after his home on Rev'.

Jesse K. Beale, pastor of Me- Old Row. Kendree Methodist Church, con- Mr. and Mrs. Sturtz and ducted the service and burial was daughter.

Chris Pollock, and Mrs. in Woodlawn Cemetery. William Pollock are in Wilmington, were John H. Georgt visiting relatives, Mr. and Mis.

Brown. Albert Lewis, Winfield Ste- Burr.ard Midioth-; VisitilTg Mr and Ml'S. JamCS Thom- Cjrpmptl r'illlpH J'an RFD Ohio. GRANTSVILLE- Grantsville voi- wo H.II Top Pvl. George P.

Winebrenner. Mon- einfi V. 436 North mouth N. has returned after unteer firemen weie called to the spending a ten-day furlough with Steve Pattie mill Wedne.sday. They 6ir Cpniit stn jus parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd extinguished the fire befoie muc Uirar. w. Va yvinebremcr, Cailos. damage was done.

Sha.ey B'jih. WiUiam Harden. phens, Heck Stoke and Henry Lee. EXPERT BODY WORK Wheel Alignment Wheels Repaired Towing Service ZIMERLA AUTO SHOP LaVale Phone 2274 jrtf If ROST TIMI 2 P.M. Doily 1:45 f.


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.